Warrior buffs ? Druid/Hunter nerfs?

Yeah sod is for retail guys who wanna try classic. Im already playing the far more popular fresh servers.

Lost the argument so resort to lying I guess?
You can read I said many times pures should be higher than hybrids. Never once did I say warrior should be the top.

but youre just wrong, and the game wasnt balanced the way youre suggesting it at any time

in general is was balanced exactly the way I suggested - your overall kit is what matters. If youre a hybrid with a ton of hybrid power, you have a tax to keep you from being grossly overpowered the way hybrids are in SoD. If you werent a hybrid, or you were multi-role but that other role didn’t provide a lot of power while specced as the other role, you had less of a tax because well… duh, it doesnt make sense to levy a tax if you don’t have the power budget to allot for it.

I.e. if a shadowpriest had 0 access to healing, dispels, was bad at dungeons, questing, and PVP in vanilla, they could have had more DPS. But they were gods at almost everything due to their hybrid power and thus had a tax.

Why is there no dislike button?

I like sod and i think the deliberate warrior suppression is idiotic. Even with the oppression they take, they still put out more parses than anyone except boomkin. What a stupid way to deal with a large part of your community… how about they take the warrior scaling concept and instead apply it to other specs in a creative way?

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So what you are saying is all the oppression and suppression is really fueling the warrior depression?


I’m so glad for you. You must finally be happy and feel at home with all your warrior friends in a game where only warriors are at the top of the list… As it must be exciting.

Lose? What are you talking about?
The only pure now in SoD is… Hunter. So what’s the point?

It is a vain effort to try to make you understand why you are so wrong. Just the example of the shadow priest proves how much you know nothing about vanilla wow classes.

I won’t waste more energy to argue.

Where did I say I wanted to see the warrior disappear from raids? Plus only Arms warrior is concerned. Fury has a good spot right now.

SoD offers more variety for dps spec than vanilla did. Being able to play a dps without being rejected is more interesting than the vanilla format which forbade anything other than rogue, mage or the warrior.

Is SoD dps chart balanced? No. But at least it’s already more varied and interesting than vanilla was.

Asking some changes to improve Arms warrior dps… Sounds fair.
Asking for fury… Not needed.

There are some problems with balance druid dps. It’s way too high but it’s not the only one to be problematic.


I think the first 6 specs on top should be toned down.

Yes. But, what were you adding to the conversation?

Idc about varied. We took enough variance to distribute loot the best we could. If we wanted a buff or debuff or just that token, we took the class or spec even though the theoretical dps was 20% of a warrior. Speed runs are idiotic and there is so much variety in group comps and player skill from raid to raid that using a total of 40 players in the raid as a constant to measure your dps output is stupid. We still took more warrior than anything, along with shamans to support them, ofc but thats bc thats what we were able to find.
In SoD, i like that more specs are playable. The only one needing toned down is boomkin. Destro lock wont work with the talent points available. Arms warrior is a pipe dream and it can stay that way. The point I was making was that they’re doing it at the expense of nerfing warrior. Hell, theyre even using a client that nerfs bloodthirst right now after all the shade they got even mentioning rage normalization and nerfing recklessness. Nvm that windfury doesnt even work like classic, another direct warrior nerf.