Warrior bloodthirst damage scaling still bugged

Warrior bloodthirst still does not scale properly with all attack power buffs and damage buffs/debuffs. Any plans on fixing this bug? It has to be related to the client being used for SoD now.

can you tell me what do google so I can see the bug, I have been trying to calculate the damage and failing, I wonder if this is why

Warrior discord stopped talking about it because blizzard dismissed it as “not a bug” like 4 years ago. But there is a difference in scaling even between the damage it deals from the 2019 classic client and the current client SoD is using.
I don’t think there’s even an interest among most warrior purists playing SoD but the scaling bug is there. We have more modifiers and debuffs than we did in classic and if you’ve played a lot of warrior the difference is glaring.

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