Warrior Artifact for the Dragonslayers

The issue I have been experience is in relation to completing the Warrior Artifact for the Dragonslayers. I have attained the Haft of the God King and I am finding it very difficult to get the skulls of the two dragons. There are multiple replies on the forums of people having these sent to them by Support and I would appreciate assistance if possible.

Steps I have taken:

  1. Reached Exalted with Valarjar (Prior to running content)
  2. Researched the visibility for the chest in the Warrior arena (and opened one)
  3. Attempted to loot the chest at multiple lockouts (3-hour spawn timer)
  4. Completed Trials of Valor on LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic
  5. Attempted to camp and determine IF the world dragons who drop the two skulls still spawn.
  6. Read through every bit of information available to determine alternative methods.

My questions:

  1. Reputation Level
    They mentioned that I was at “Paragon”, but that’s the unlimited rep level after exalted. All documentation has only noted Exalted to be the requirement which I have fulfilled. Please let me know if I am understanding this incorrectly.

  2. Criteria to Craft Dragonslayers
    They require two skulls from world dragons which are now open to dropping on Odyn. I have actually completed that raid 4 times now this week on difficulties LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic to no avail. I have also researched and opened the warrior hall chest. I have two questions regarding these though:

    1. Do the world dragons still spawn? I can’t find any information to verify this.
    1. Does the chest have a once per week limit due to a patch? I have seen multiple people claim to have looted it frequently throughout the day on the 3 hour respawn it has. I waited this weekend for it and never gained visibility even though I heard Odyn shout about the chest spawning.

Below was the reply from Support regarding my ticket:
(My Questions are Noted above)

Hello, Alexander!

Firstly, I’m Game Master Rothsdra, and I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Due to high volume of tickets, there’s been some delay, however, we are doing our best to reach out to everyone as quickly as possible, so thank you for patiently waiting for our response.

I’m glad to see you’ve been continuing your epic adventure by working towards unlocking an hidden artifact appearance Dragonslayer’s Edge, nevertheless I understand when completing the Trial of valor, the items to craft the appearance had yet to be dropped.

I can see how weird this can be, so I appreciate you reaching out to us to take a further look into this with you! (ง •̀_•́)ง

While looking through the odyssey you’ve been leading with your Warrior Osso, I had the opportunity to see how amazingly well you’ve done in Trial of Valor, in which throughout the week, you’e completed the run in Normal and Heroic difficulty.

Nevertheless I’ve noticed your Warrior’s reputation with Valarjar is currently at Paragon, therefore, in order for you to successfully get the Skull of Shar’thos and other required items to craft the Dragonslayer, I’d like to kindly advise to carefully check out the pages below:
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Once you have fullfilled each required criteria for The Dragonslayer craft, you’d be able to successfully unlock the Hidden appearance and continue the epic adventure you’ve been having so far.

Nonetheless, if you are certain you meet the criteria for the items to drop, then I’d like to kindly invite you to submit a bug report, in order to continue with the discussion and to provide more information to the developers.

By reporting a bug from your part, you are able to help the developers to gather more information regarding this matter and help the community to investigate it better.

Below, I’ve attached an article to guide you through the bug report:

Although the answer is different from what expected, I hope you won’t take this as a setback from the epic adventure you’ve been having so far.

Despite the different outcome, it was a pleasure assisting such an epic player as yourself and I hope you are having the legendary journey, you’ve signed up for!

Thank you for reaching out!

Wish you a legendary adventure,
Game Master, Rothsdra

im having an issue where i just completed the dragon slayer artifact and it not showing the xmog on my tmog however it does show the weapon floating in the titan city