Warrior Arms Stance?

I heard warriors is best using Berserker Stance overall for Arms, am I being trolled .lol Because it seems I have to stance dance to much or make macros to Battle stance for Ability’s I like … rend which is Battle stance and Overpower etc.

I am mainly planning on doing pvp, what stance is most arms warriors using ?


Stance dancing is a essential part to playing a Warrior, PVE or PVP. And will be the case more-so in TBC when you get Intervene and Spell Reflect in Defensive Stance. Generally you start in Battle stance but after that is all situational. If you’re under heavy damage then defensive stance + sword shield macro, or if you’re free to pump then Berserker Stance for the crit chance, or Battle Stance for a balance between the two. Stance changing macros with abilities built into them are key

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Make the Macros fella. We all have them.

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Don’t you lose rage when you stance dance?

Yes, but there was a talent to keep up to 25 rage when changing stances. In TBC it changes to a baseline spell from trainer, but reducing it to 10 rage kept. There’s a new talent in the Prot tree with 3 points that keep 5 rage per point up to the original 25 rage between stances.

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Right I understand that , But seems way to much stance dancing when I was using Zerker Stance.

Simple solution is to macro Rend and Overpower so that you auto swap to battle stance to Cast them. You shouldn’t have to dance too much.

Charge in > Rend (if a rogue or whatever) > Hamstring > MS. Did they dodge? Yes? use OP. No? switch zerker. WW for filler rage dumps. Always prio rage for MS etc. You shouldn’t need to switch that often to be honest, something is either dead, or your charging to a new target.

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Yeah thats what my rotation is pretty much, I did forget to mention on Warrior im only 48 right now.

And Retail which I came from is a different animal

Kind of depends on the situation, I guess.

You need to be in Berserker stance for Pummel and Intercept, and not in Berserker stance for Spell Reflect and Shield Bash.

Battle Stance for Overpower, which you will nodoubt make good use of vs a rogue.

If by “not that often” you mean once or so every 15 seconds then maybe :slight_smile: Of course YMMV.

Yeah, Battle stance seems like a good in-between, but you’ll really want to get comfortable with all stances, and when which is better, imo.

Also, when/how to dump any excess rage that you might lose before stance dancing is helpful.

Here are some macros that I use. I’ve been playing a fair bit of beta, and swapping mostly between an arms-centric PVP build and deep Prot tanking build, and sometimes do PVE Arms or Fury. There’s a great Death Wish/Sweeping Strikes build for Heroics/Kara PVE that I use sometimes, too.

The keys I use and how I use them are maybe more reflective of the keybinds I’m used to than they are good macros/keybinds, but maybe you’ll find them somewhat helpful:

alt-Q (weapon swap)

/equipslot 16 <tanking-MH>
/equipslot 17 <shield>
/equipslot 16 <2-hander>
#/equipslot 16 <fury-MH>
#/equipslot 17 <fury-offhand>


/cast Death Wish
#/cast Last Stand


/cast [stance:2] Disarm; Hamstring


/cast Piercing Howl
#/cast Concussion Blow


/cast [stance:3] Whirlwind; [equipped:shield] Shield bash; [stance:1] Overpower; Battle Stance


#showtooltip Pummel
/cast [stance:3] Pummel; Berserker Stance


#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/cast [stance:3] Battle Stance; Spell Reflection


#showtooltip Shield Block
/equipslot 16 <tanking-mh>
/equipslot 17 <shield>
/cast [stance:2] Shield Block; Defensive Stance

shift-E (swap to E when prot)

/cast[stance:2] Revenge; Execute


/cast [stance:1] Mocking Blow; [equipped:shield] Shield Slam; Battle Stance


/cast [stance:1] Charge; Battle Stance


#showtooltip Intercept
/cast [stance:3] Intercept; Berserker Stance


/cast [stance:2] Intervene; Defensive Stance


/cast Sunder Armor
#/cast Devastate

# is used as a comment character, so for example in the last macro, #/cast Devastate is commented out. This is my W which I have set to /cast Sunder Armor. When I spec deep prot, I comment out /cast Sunder Armor as #/cast Sunder Armor and uncomment #/cast Devastate to /cast Devastate.

The reason I do this is so that I can easily respec and remember what I have mapped to which keys.

Anyway, hopefully that’s somewhat useful for you :slight_smile:

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Man how the hell did I get Merc and Brutals in Original TBC, I dont remember all this.

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