I’m unsure on where to talk about ideas for runes and things to make classes more interesting but with the addition of the rune vendor I’ve been testing a lot of new classes in SoD after returning.
There are two rune changes that come to mind for me while testing:
The addition of the rune Blood and Thunder, Blood and Thunder is a talent that was added into Cataclysm (allows rend to be spread via thunder clap) and to me personally was one of my favorite talents of all time in WoW’s history. Warrior doesn’t have the most interesting runes as it stands in SoD but one thing is for sure, they need this rune in order to boost fun and viability (imo).
((also I was shocked when I came back to find they didn’t get bladestorm or titan’s grip, could of been great game-changing runes as well))
With mage I’m pleasantly surprised with how fun most the runes are and the gameplay of the healer mage as well BUT there was one thing to this class that really grinded my gears: the fact that both Spellfrost bolt and Balefire Bolt do not trigger missle barrage. To me that is a MASSIVE missed opportunity for arcane to have some epic new hybrid builds via shatter or ignite. Missle barrage only procing off arcane blast and barrage to me is just boring and not creative in any way. I feel like these changes to mage are simple, quick, and could invigorate new builds.
There’s probably more ideas I could come up with as I continue testing but these are recent ones I’ve been thinking about nonstop and do think it is not too late to be added. Thanks for reading, Cheers!
Ps- I am an advocate for tbc SoD and really think experiencing tbc with some new runes and fresh coat of paint could actually be a breath of fresh air. I know everyone wants classic+ but to me the vanilla versions of classes are just too boring now (one button rotations) and I’d rather just keep going further with new content and using SoD as the base. Just my opinion but I dont play normal era for a reason. (ZzzzZzzz)