Warrior 2h Rune change Suggestions

2 Small suggestions:

Fresh Meat:
Damaging a target with Bloodthirst, Mortal Strike, or Shield Slam has a 100% chance the first time and a 10% (50% if a 2h weapon equipped) chance each subsequent time to Enrage you (activating abilities which requiring being Enraged), and cause you to deal 10% increased Physical damage for 12 sec.
Simply give 2h weapon another option but the non-scaling execute.

Endless Rage:
You generate 25% more Rage from all damage you deal. Also increase maximum rage by 20 if a 2h weapon is equipped.
2h build has a lot of rage waste due to rage bar gets 0-100 in a blink of an eye. This is a small change to help with rage waste.

Edit: Came up with a new one:
Tier 2 damage Warrior 4-piece bonus: increases the damage of Heroic Strike by 10%. And reduced the GCD of Quick Strike by 0.5 sec if a 2h weapon is equipped.