**WARNING** Griefer On Path To Kargath

Because in HC, the NPC’s are supposed to flag someone and in turn, these players are taking advantage of a bug, which in another term, is bug abuse


Nah, Loch Modan is Alliance area, he’s only defending his land away from alien invaders. You can’t ban someone who is RPing a patriot.

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Griefing is griefing, bug abuse is bug abuse, RP or not


Is an intended feature called a bug nowadays ? May you tell me what a bug is ?

If you look at the settings for HC anniversary, the NPC’s aren’t supposed to flag you in HC, the fact that these ones are is a bug


I believe the pvp flag on HC realmm works as following:
If a H player engages in combat with an A NPC, A players must flag pvp by themselves by /pvp to be able to combat H player.
If I am wrong, may you link me the source then?

Scroll up and you’ll see Vanillataur quoting from the rules this part along with the rest.

So obviously it works as I described, if the A patriot players flag themself and attack H invaders. Everything is working as intended. You see a hostile invader in your own land, you kill. What is bugged here ?

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The horde player is getting flagged from a bug, geeze, I really hate repeating myself to those who don’t read…

Jesus, engaging in combat with faction NPCs (aka. guardd) flags you pvp. H players engage in combat with loch modan guards, that’s why they are flagged. If you don’t agro guards, none can harm you. It’s working as intended.

Well aliens, cowmen, rotting corpses, and trolls. Incapable to build proper houses and have to live in mud huts. What do we expect?

A major bug that hasn’t been fixed in over a year when other faction npcs were made non aggressive?

Feel free to find a real reason to call it griefing other than “I got flagged and pvp happened”

I would 100% agree if you said that these mobs shouldnt flag you, but they do and it’s not griefing if your lack of game knowledge gets punished. Same as if you walked into gurubashi and got flagged.

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A few horde 60s should set them up

Saw the video of the trash rogue vanishing in the Hunters flare then booking it when he had to actually fight a level 60 lol. Then fought the Hunter again but cried for his Pally guildmate to help him 2v1. That Rogue is only good at killing grey mobs and players under level 40 solo.

No, sorry. Try reading a bit more attentively. I actually say that we’re flagged for PvP by being ATTACKED BY the guards.
Clearly a bug.

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Strange that they are disagreeing with themselves? I rather think that they do not care about Classi, and even less about HC.

Taking advantage of a bug is griefing. Blizz explicitly states that they want consensual PvP only on HC realms - and that said consensual PvP can be entered in two ways: By ATTACKING enemy faction guards or typing in /pvp.

Think I fixed it for you? a lot of confusion stemming from you omitting a NOT - I suppose at least.

I volunteer as bait to have some lvl60 Rogues go with me and enter the tunnel and as soon as this dwarf rogue appears, send him back to Dun Morough.


They are just trying to defend a lowlife griefing rogue on a Hardcore server. It’s wild how they defend PvP even though Hardcore is not about PvP at all.

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The key point I think is whether this is a bug or remains an intended design choice. When it comes to actionable offenses, a reasonable person should be able to identify something as unintentional.

I’d argue that, at best, it’s contentious. This is due to two primary reasons.

  1. Other NPCs were adjusted to not be aggressive and/or not flag a player for pvp, but these NPCs in Loch Modan and Swamp of Sorrows were not.

  2. They’ve been in this state since the first HC servers launched in 2023.

I think it very reasonable to assume that this is one of the intended methods by which a player can be flagged for pvp without explicitly typing /pvp.

Again, I’m all for changing these to not be the case in Hardcore. However, I dont think the burden of proof has been met to call this an exploit deserving of a griefing ban unless there is something I’m missing where Blizz has stated that this isn’t intended.

You’re entitled to being wrong.

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