Lets admit, both factions have been acting like crybabies lately all because of WM.
I will trade you our Human, male, Paladins for your mmhmmd mmhmm.
Alliance turned WM off - Alliance whined over 10% the horde had
Alliance got free heroic raiding gear for free for 7 weeks straight, even at the start of a new raid tier - Horde said “Wtf I’m doing the same thing but getting camped AND I’m not getting anything for it?”
Alliance turns WM off again - Horde says good riddance, don’t need entitled players complaining about not getting free gear in WM.
Fixed that for you.
Because of racials from years ago (not sure how that is ignored). Also how does an under 1% dps boost in limited situations actually benefit most of us? NE racials are some of the absolutely best PvP racials. Human racials are good as well and only sim slightly below the best horde racials.
But before that, Horde were coming onto the forums complaining that there were no Alliance.
Are you ok? Because methinks you have forgotten and are VASTLY overestimated the number of weeks of AOO.
And speaking of forgetting, are you forgetting the jump from iLvl 220 to 340 advantage?
You’re probably forgetting.
EDIT: According to WoW head, the quest was originally offered 15 Dec 2018, and gave 1000 Azerite as a reward.
I have been 120 for longer than a moment, we got two weeks of 400 gear. (iirc)
That new model for the horses is actually pretty sweet.
I see people saying this all the time, but can you point me to any of these posts? Or what would totally just knock my damn socks off, a player saying “Give the alliance free heroic raiding gear every week! That will get them to play with us!”
Saying this doesn’t negate the fact that you guys got a ton of free heroic raiding gear the horde didn’t even get the chance to get, or the free 400 piece from warfronts first which the alliance just LOVE to complain about EVEN now, that they got theirs first and the horde STILL hasn’t had the chance to even get.
220? Who the hell had ilvl 220…? By the time 340 came out almost every player who would even have the right to complain about gear was already WAY past that.
I’m casual as hell and I didn’t even need one piece of 340 when it came out.
I guess you just magically forgot about all the weeks you guys got heroic raiding gear before the new raid tier when 370 was heroic raid gear ilvl, then?
Dude math adds up. 1% per character ends up being a BIG difference.
When’s the last time Alliance won the world first race again?
It wasn’t all the time people were saying it, and I am not going to go scrolling to bypass thousands of threads created by the Alliance crybabies who are now complaining about there welfare being nerfed.
I said ANECDOTES. I don’t care about anecdotes. Read again, my friend.
DuckDuckGo it.
I was referring to horde players complaining there were no allies. I never saw any of those threads ever and alliance players love to claim THAT’S what made Blizzard give them free heroic gear and not the endless posts of them complaining about PvP.
Then you weren’t paying attention 3mos ago.
Guess not.
very true.
If they made pvp worth doing it not be an issue really. Why I am not WM on. Horde or alliance. I roll both.
In eve I pvp’d for sovereignty. the crew I was in fought for space. It was our home. Pvp to secure it and rake in the bene’s like better pve to make game money. My time in 0.0 space made me some nice money.
I didn’t really get much from the soap opera aspect. I shot whatever the alliance I was in told me to shoot really. I have been a goon pet, I have shot at goons. How it goes really, just pay me and I will shoot anything you want.
In eve with permanent ship loss and wrecks dropping loot I also fought for rewards. Sometimes you dropped a target and they had nice mods on their ship that made it into the wreck. 500 mil game money item in the wreck…made for a nice night really.
WoW…is just spam killing the same dudes for no real gains.
XP boost means nothing after max level. I don’t chase the azurite as even a casual WQ rotation sees it come in. Nor do I go all emo rage if a high ilevel piece I get doesn’t have all rings done. They feed the 1400 azerite caches a lot these days…I will get there one day.
the 400 gear didn’t motivate either. My gimme 400 from warfront (only ones I got on 2 chars) replaced a 385 piece with better stats on one char. RNG…it loves to play games with you.
Yet the horde are still getting camped non-stop?
I would understand you saying this if it was a 10% for both sides, as It’s been proven alliance only will play if they get an unfair advantage…
they learned form horde.
Welcome to leveling in darkshire as alliance when horde is the dominant numbers. Best to turn off WM if on. You have a good chance of seeing more horde than town NPC’s there on a rough night. And darkshire has a fair number if NPC’s in town lol.
See darkshire has a nice density for quest givers and where they send you. Makes it a prime target as you will find people there leveling.
Ah yeah, good ol STV, darkshire, redridge ganking route…
I think it has more to do than just quest density. Darkshire is one of the coolest zones in the game in my opinion hands down. When I first started I somehow managed to stumble there as a lvl 24 or something and got invited to a horde vs. alliance war. Such an epic memory.
Also, one time I was running from an alliance player through darkshire and I have no clue why because there was no way for the person to catch up as we both had ground mounts, I actually put auto run on and turned my computer off and took a break from WoW, LOL.
**[quote=“Saralocks-thrall, post:182, topic:89315, full:true”]
My god, this thread is full of butthurt Alliance.
“Horde has all this, Horde has all that, Alliance should be getting free gear all the time”
My god, no wonder people look at Alliance players like a bunch of children.
Stop trying to avoid admitting you’re wrong, and admit you’re wrong.