Warning about the guild Yeah Okay

I recently joined a guild called Yeah Okay. I would like to warn other players on the server of the toxic and unconstitutional community they foster.

The GMs Mikus and Malomalo kicked me from the guild after a raid one night. I didn’t bother reading the DMs they sent me, but basically they don’t want you to have freedom of speech. I’m not allowed to play my parody character in their guild I guess. The next day I join a new guild. Mikus and Malomalo stalk me and reach out to my new guild and I heard in Discord (as I was listening to see if I would be a good fit in my new guild) them slandering me to my new guild. Yeah Okay advertises itself as a casual guild.

I would also like to state that Mikus verbally abuses the other guildmates by namecalling.

Overall, save yourself the drama and don’t join these children in raiding.