Warning about ED community discord

It’s okay, every dude eventually faces this at some point. Most of the time it’s just a psychological thing you can overco— oh. Oh I see.



Not in my experience.

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No you can’t. Call outs against communities, individuals, etc regardless of in game or elsewhere is frowned upon.


Imagine tone-policing people calling out racism.


Call out threads are deleted pretty consistently. Yes, it’s against the rules. There’s an entire category for Defamatory in the CoC.

And if it’s to trash them in some way, it’s almost always deleted.

It may be informative, but it’s doing exactly this and we don’t even know the truth of things:

And therein lies the issue. This community is being called out and trashed over something one person claims and might not be true. All while hiding on a Classic alt.

You might be okay with schoolyard antics like this, but others aren’t.

Oh please, this has nothing to do with such ridiculousness as that term. :roll_eyes:

No thanks. If it were my community he was trashing, I wouldn’t be keen on it either.

This isn’t his personal drama factory.

This community man…

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eh, imagine taking a guy with a racist name calling someone else racist as anything but a troll.

I’m actually kind of disappointed this thread is still up. maybe he’ll get a forced name change out of it though.


Didn’t even read the name. Oof, yeah.

Callout threads are against the rules here buddy.

Keep this stuff private.

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Yep. Let’s just toss out unverifiable accusations to trash an entire community. Always a great way to go! :+1:

As Annastasi said:

My only experience on ED was having a stranger give me 4 30 slot bags on my baby lock I just rolled there.

She then gave my wife 4 bags as well.

ED players are the worst.


Yeah, we’re jerks like that.


So If i trash talked about a
Lvl 22 Orc Shaman from the “The Twilight Company” guild
its okay because I didn’t mention his name
which by the way has two instances of OO combined with GA … ( still didn’t techinically give a name…)

Does that apply to those who don’t play white male humans? :thinking:

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:

Yes, it’s why they look so thin and slender and transform into Elves. :disappointed:

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower: