Warning about ED community discord

Thank you for the cackle!

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They were SO mean though. They called me fat and told me my highlights were ugly. I should be so devastated! But then I realized that I was happy with my fat and my highlights and they are sad, salty people. So I filled their car with tuna and went on my happy little way! Thanks for leaving the windows open, bullies!


those little mini shrimps are a good choice too


(Real) Ooh I love those :heart_eyes: they’re great in fried rice!

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Whats a mall? Those things they use in old zombie movies?


You can also go there when your AC breaks and nobody knows how to fix it!

Additionally, the mall is a free gym but nobody knows that but me.

Treadmill = walking the long hallways and loops.
Free bathrooms and water everywhere
Long stair stepper machines that are actually just escalators


A Discord server setting and using their own rules?

Not to mention no proof of alleged racism and hateful conduct

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To no one’s surprise. This game is full of racists and people who make excuses for their behavior.


WHAT??? Someone did a heckin’ racism on their discord server??? We need to inform reddit, quickly! Start blasting them on twitter, why are they not cancelled yet oh my god what is going on I can’t even!!!


Oh the server Emerald Dream. I was thinking of a different ED.


This is false. If you have a problem with Discord, take it up with Discord. Don’t bring your drama here.

You even hid on a Classic alt so people couldn’t call you out in game for your behavior. Let’s try to act like adults, please.

Time to join. give me link.

tries to stifle a ROFL

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so is ED what happens when your Dracthyr malfunctions?
Ereptile Dysfunction?


Read the title and thought this was going to be a thread about an old man’s discord.


This isn’t the forum for this. Emerald Dream specific problems belong on the Emerald Dream forum, not in General Discussion.

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Anytime 10

So, what you’re saying is snowflakes beware? Got it. LOVE IT!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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This has nothing to do with WoW really. It’s a Discord, they can name all the people they want I’m pretty sure.