Warmode? World PVP?

I mean I wear the title on my toon with pride haha

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I gave up after I was 10 librams from shen (I know you don’t need it anymore, but doesn’t feel the same)

I’ve kinda been slacking on my achievements lately. There is a ton of stuff I can catch up on. But it’s tedious ones. I think I’m within top 1000 NA…or it might have been world.

I use to go hard on achievements back in wrath and cata, but when I switched mains on MoP launch I sorta gave up. Because I didn’t want to re-earn on something else.

But yeah I can believe it, I remember someone in MoP who had every achievement available at the time.
His battle pets were name “Iwon, this, game” or something like that lol.

Blizzard has PLANS to improve world pvp content.