I’m late to the party and am leveling at 75 and what I’ve noticed as a horde player in warmode is, the Alliance are EVERYWHERE. Horde are always outnumbered, never get warcrates EVER, so I mind my business and just level.
As I go to a new zone, im just questing and the few low level alliance members around me leave me a lone and I leave them alone. Then a max level DK comes out of nowhere and just attacks me, and then all the lowbies around the level jump in as I bubble and try and run away from the 80 DK. Obviously I can’t survive a max level player attacking me, let alone 2 other 75+ characters attacking me. So I die…
I’m like, whatever, I rez and carry on leveling. The DK attacks me again, and again and again and again… then I’m like, I’ll just leave so I rez again and mount up and fly away when I get chased by him and a few other people just camping my body…
They did this for over and hour, where I would escape them level and they’d find me and kill me as max levels vs a 75.
The issue I have here, is
why are the shards not balance for the sides? Why is there more Alliance than Horde EVERYWHERE?
its pretty lame for a max level to farm lowbies, now I understand that I “choose” to have warmode on, but lets be real 15% increase to rewards and XP is too good to just decide not to use it, and I’m not opposed to PvP combat as you can tell from my achievements. I’m opposed to someone attacking low levels that have ZERO chance to even fight back let alone win. It’s beyond toxic behavior and pretty pathetic.
I’ve played this game since Nov. 2004 and I’ve never seen 80’s go out of their way to corpse camp for so long for no other reason that to truly grief someone.
Balance the faction shards, or give horde players a WG style buff so they can actually stand a chance in world pvp vs all the hordes of alliance.
All the meta chasers went Alliance for the sweet racials so good PVP players are normally on the Alliance.
But like you state, you do have the option to turn off war mode. There is a risk/reward for keeping it on and you are seeing the risk.
There has always been max level people camping zones. I remember back in the day there was always some Ally destroying the crossroads.
I get it sucks but you literally have the option to turn war mode off so you won’t get any sympathy from me. I say this as someone who experienced the same thing you did and decided to level up via dungeons instead.
You op in warmode. You got killed by max level players. It is your choice.
If im in a warmode in max level and i see another low level alliance in warmode, i will kill it over and over again. You made your choice to be killable at low level.
Be responsible of your choices.
This is true of both factions not just Horde or Alliance. It baffles me that there are players out here thinking that it only exists on one faction and not the other. There are toxic people everywhere.
10 years of dueling in front of orgrimmar says you’re wrong, no offense.
You’re suggesting people who wanna play war orcs and zombies with racials to eat people and stuck up arcane addicted boomer elves won’t be more unhinged than other players on average
Trash talking isn’t really funny in no stakes duels. 10 Years of it got old.
The way I see it, with the way gear scaling has been the past few expansions there isnt much of a difference.
In DF a fresh lvl 70 was closer in power to a lvl 10 than it was to a geared lvl 70. We started the expansion at 200k HP and ended it with lots of DPS around 1.5M HP.
The power scaling was so wonky that a geared lvl 70 could kill an army of fresh lvl 70s.
WM itself isnt fair. Im still salty after all the grief we got in BFA, so Im not holding back retribution
Therefore if its totally acceptable to kill a new lvl 70 there isnt much difference killing a lvl 65 player either. Neither of them ever stood a chance.
That DK is probably farming honor for the bee mount achieve. Yeah it sucks… on horde, the area is just swarming with alliance. Try to get a crate? 20 alliance there already.
Get on my alliance, crates are just free gift bags.
PS - only have war mode on to farm the mount and then I’m out. I’m not a PVPer.
Anyway, bad actors are going to do it. And will justify it, like the winner above, regardless of faction, youll just have to turn off war mode. Be thankful they have it lol. A lot of those people were real upset when it was implemented.
I don’t know. I didn’t use warmode to level so I could enjoy the games theme and feel immersion into what TWW had to offer. I got full honor gear in about 2 hours at 80, got enchants and turned Warmode on to get some crates and begin that journey.
I usually don’t farm them or kill anyone multiple times unless they deserve it. However I will pop CDS and 1 shot them from time to time so I can giggle like a maniac. Then go on my way.
With that said some guilds and players believe in Role playing and “Owning” an area so the other faction can’t do anything. It is something that WPvP used to be about. Then the low levels got either Guildies or high levels to protect them. So you do have that choice as well if you don’t want to turn off Warmode.
Personally it sounds like you should turn Warmode off and have fun.
2 days ago while leveling, 3 lev 80s killed me 6 times, I finally stealthed and hearthed to turn off WM. Tried to let it slide and just keep questing but they wouldnt let me. Leveling is extra fast in dungeons with several level 80s to my name and boosted by the Darkmoon Fair so it didnt impact me much, but yeah, it is trashy behavior.
Yup, and to be honest, I dont take it all that personally that folks group together to kill players, it is World of WARcraft afterall and rewards exist for killing players, I get it. I also pvp for fun as my primary end game activity and if I feel like it can log on a geared character and also wreck folks trying to level. Killing bots and players farming ore and herbs was a nice way to pass queue times in the past. I do try not to “hunt” the same player multiple times if I attacked first and won, unless they’re in a spark quest zone and I’m on the quest.
Not sure what you expected with this post. The game is called world of Warcraft. The implication of world PvP is in the title of the game. To that point, if you’re that bothered by it then turn off war mode. The bonus to xp won’t matter if you’re doing corpse runs. War mode was introduced for people who want to PvP. It was never meant to be a way to game the system to get extra rewards.
It does suck, but its also a skill issue. I was levelling and in my DF conquest gear, and managed to win a 2v1 a few times against a 80 rogue and 76 lock at level 74. My old conq gear likely was a big help though.
If warmode was “never meant to be a way to game the system to get extra rewards”,
as you say, then why does it give extra rewards and xp? Your logic is very flawed here my friend.
If blizzard didn’t want people to turn it on to get a XP and reward boost, then most of the players that have warmode on, would NEVER have it on. Myself included.
As you can see from my achievements, I’m not opposed to PvP. However, I chose to level on a PVE server because I don’t want to get shadow ganked by a group of players looking to just grief people for their own personal pleasure while they have zero chance to lose. This isn’t PvP, this is Group Players vs One Player.
Because Warmode is a thing blizzard implemented, then they should have also implemented balance to it. They could easily make it so the shards are balanced. They can force 80’s in zones with just 80’s so they can’t gank low levels and grief them. They could do all sorts of things to prevent toxic bahavior.
I highly doubt blizzards intention for world pvp was to have max level players grouping up and then going from zone to zone to kill the players just trying to level.
I myself, would NEVER attack a low level player as a high level player unless I see a group of low level players attacking a single low level player and I’d protect them. But I’d NEVER go out of my way to corpse farm the same person over and over and over that has zero chane to fight back.
Griefing is griefing, and I doubt blizzard agrees with that behavoir, and is a large reason why the player base stays at the same level instead of grows.
I never asked for warmode and if blizzard just eliminated it, id be all for it. But they didn’t.
Its to offset the time spent PvPing. If someone finds that they’re being ganked while leveling, that extra 10% experience doesn’t mean much. They wouldve achieved more experience wise with WM off at that point because they aren’t getting ganked.
Sounds like you got baited. You see reward and thought to yourself it was going to be a free “bonus.”
Quite the opposite.
They say here in this article on PvP harassment for War Mode to simply turn off War Mode if you find yourself being griefed. The GM staff will not interfere.