Warmode Observations

Horde mode
Bored mode
Ganks and Pranks
Even some tanks

And you think I stop to look at that? Or do I just see red and immediately throw a glaive and BotD.

At that point with my Gushing procs they already gonna die might as well finish them.

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No, you’re not.
I’m almost done with Ashenvale questing. One chapter left.
No iilah to be found.

My boss has the nerve to give me work to do today.

I mean really. The nerve.


I leveled my BE mage in Ashenvale over the last couple of days and didn’t see you … actually I didnt see any ally at all.

I seen her all the time when I was levling Jackie out there. It was like being ganked by a celebrity. Sharing for the lose.


This thread is good news for the horde.

We need horde groups setting up camp in each of these lowbie towns only moving when pushed.

The expansion sounds interesting. With faster leveling means the longer we camp the better lol

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i do the same to alliance :wink: fixed

:frowning: I’d given you a /wave /hug and /cheer and be on my merry way.

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Imagine only having some infamousy or clout in one zone. I’m world wide baby. Heck my story is even told on other planets in this game.

iv never seen you i have seen her…

Yep. Yesterday on PTR, we were camping a quest spot. It was asked why that spot. The answer was why not and keep it clear for Horde. :smiley: I can’t wait! :smiley:

He comes to wpvp now and then. I seen him a few times.

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Maybe u aren’t on the same battle group that shards in regularly. I’m well known and people when seeing peep are like groupies caught in headlights lol. But I’ve never seen the Druid either. One day maybe. I don’t venture out into lowbie zones often. And yes I come to the zerg pvp things once in awhile. They are ok. I’m more of a small group smashing the zerg kinda guy :wink:

I’ve seen alliance do it, too.

It happens to players of both factions.

I feel like there is personal selective bias in your conclusion.

If you’re in an area with a lot of the opposing faction with War Mode on, you understand that the chance for an incident will rise, because the perceived chance for reprisal or penalties has fallen. This is simply what strength in numbers behavior creates.

Levelling Horde
While levelling my rogue, I had to deal with a ton of Alliance on my battlegroup while levelling in WoD content of all places. The interesting chance though was that I was able to observe them. I initially wanted to just get my quests done, but they decided to initiate because there were 3 different groups of them against myself and another smaller group.

LFG Tool
I honestly have mixed feelings about the LFG tool, even in lower level zones. I’ve used it plenty of times to essentially recruit people to deal with large groups of opposing players before. Often I try to use it as a tool of last resort. But it’s effectiveness is quite impressive, where the opposing players disperse quite quickly.

Honestly, I wish they’d account for larger groups of players in a single area and collapse the Warmode Shards if there were really that many players in the same logical area.
I’m hoping they don’t even shard the Maw.