Warmode isn't fun or worth it

Whoever thought being out numbered, repeatedly ganked, enemies insta flying or taking a dungeon queue is fun, is a delusional half-wit.

I wish I didn’t pay for 6 month sub. I was scammed.

I have a great time with it. You do realize you could transfer to a realm that is horde right?

You mean have me pay money to fix their problem? You do realize YOU could transfer to a realm that is horde right?


The player bases’ most brightest at your service.

Just thought I should mention it, being on a realm that is Horde wouldn’t matter because of server battlegroups. He’d still be sharded in with other servers. I’m on Bleeding Hollow which is like 90% Horde and I’m often outnumbered in War Mode. Difference is I don’t mind it because I like killing folk. Rip me though if I cared about Supply Crates.

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I find it extremely fun. I would love for them to commit to a no flying zone for real epic fights like back in those Isle of Quel’Danas day, but the implementation of war crates and pvp dailies give me a reason to log in.

I love it but as for the crates, Horde is pathetically outnumbered. Crates honestly should not even be in the game. Either that, or they should be every man for himself fighting for it, and the first one to get a full cast should get that crate. If nobody gets it, nobody gets it. Also knockback effects should not work within 40 yards of a crate.

Then again, like I said, I don’t care about crates. I just feel bad for the Horde that do.

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Turn war mode off. Problem solved

While I play mainly alliance I agree with you and actually feel bad for the horde a lot of the time though they do “sometimes” get it.

It’s not a fair reality when in most cases it’s whomever has the most numbers gets it and usually alliance at least on my server block or whatever.

There was a Horde party of five at one of the crates I went to tonight. But it wasn’t enough because we had double the numbers, all solo players. It’s that bad.

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I wouldn’t take anything this guy says with any sort of merit. He tends to abuse bugs/exploits to gain the advantage in pvp. He’s been caught and reported multiple times. Hopefully something happens. He’s actually part of the group of pvpers that make it not fun.

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I wouldn’t call using buffs an exploit but yes I use them to make my character stronger in WPvP.

Yes, and… no suspensions. I’ve read this exact comment since Shadowlands dude and I haven’t been suspended for those reports. Why? Hm, maybe because Blizzard has done the investigations and found that Im just using world buffs lol

See, your problem is that you assumed thought was involved.

Anyway yeah, follower dungeon queues have been a bridge too far for me. Faction imbalance is annoying, but you can deal with that by just having a few players of reasonable quality. You can’t really do anything about follower dungeon queues though. Shadowmeld > mount was already miserable to deal with after they let mount cast persist through damage, but this is just a worse version of that.


Not really a solution but whenever I’m with friends and encounter someone who’s annoyingly spamming follower dungeon, I create a character on their server, coordinate with friends when they engage in a fight with said annoying person, and spam request to join on the guy. Follower dungeons should be fixed for sure, I shouldn’t have to do this just to kill someone.

That and the fact we cant dismount steady flight players with Whirling Surge :sob:

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Or just everything about druids and flight form.

I’d heard about inviting people to stop the follower dungeon queue, but man at that point I feel like I might as well stop them from queueing by just going to their house and throwing their PC out the window.

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Let the adults talk. you can go play now.

There are several Horde, World PvP communities out there. You should check one out. I bet your level of fun would go up significantly.

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Ran into a Horde raid at a crate drop in Dornogal today. Now that hurt, LOL. But good for them for grouping up instead of complaining.

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It actually keeps it interesting!

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