Warmode Etiquette?

did you turn up the heat?

I think you just described why we have a rivalry in a nutshell.

Pan Pizza


I have legit never seen Sunfury act badly ever.
I think people tend to think big guild = toxic from zerg/mass invite guilds reputation.


“IF ITS RED, ITS DEAD!” Period. Bottom line rule that is > than everything else.

No one is entitled to the +15% xp bonus without taking on risk. That’s the deal. If you don’t like it, don’t turn on war mode. It’s a cold straightforward fact of the game we all play for enjoyment.

Your lack of enjoyment at being killed while questing, or gathering resources, etc is not greater or more important than the other person’s enjoyment of killing you, especially when you made a choice that allows them to do so and states to them you are available to dance :wink:

All of that being said, personal honor and values does and can play a role. But again, this varies by individual and trying to enact some sort of server-wide policy is lunacy beyond a guild having specific rules concerning wpvp.

I rarely kill someone that is flagged that isn’t 70. Because there is no “honor” in that imo. No challenge, no real enjoyment. And if I’'m feeling particularly bloodthirsty and I do kill them, I do it once and then I leave them alone after that.

If they are 70 then its game on, but once again if I feel like it? Sometimes it’s obvious they are gathering resources, and as a fellow gatherer I can sympathize, and I sometimes let them be. Other times, nah I feel like a fight :wink:

I feel strongly against making the game miserable for others. Thats just griefers, and they SUCK! I loathe those types of people. They usually have RL issues lol.

But when you are flagged, bottom line at the end of the day that tells me you are fair game! I try hard not to be a jerk about it, for example I don’t camp people or keep killing someone I was able to best, but I may attack you? I also lose a lot too.

I recently returned to WoW after a 6 year break. As someone who always enjoyed the pvp side more than the pve side, in years past I took things more personal. After being away for so long (and maybe finally becoming mature lol?) I have nearly ZERO ego invested in this game. You kill me? Nice. It’s part of the fun, and I resurrect and re-enter the game lol. You tea bag me, or plant the pwned flag? lol kinda funny, also kinda thought-provoking that you felt you had to do that, but hey? Not a big deal.

In summary, if you turn on war mode you take on a risk and things can fall outside your immediate realm of control. Accept responsibility for that. Sure I wish everyone was more fair and honorable, but that is not and never will be the case. If you can’t abide that then don’t turn it on. Lastly to enjoy pvp, you have to be okay that you will always die, and there is ALWAYS someone better than you. If you can abide those facts, then relax, remove your ego, focus on getting better, and go out and have fun!

PS. You can also turn off your war mode if you are really trying to complete something and you’re getting constantly killed by other players. I spent a lot of time on Emerald Dream which has a far more active wpvp scene in the zones, and I had to do that for grinding Black Dragonflight Rep. Hey it happens. Not a big deal turning it off to complete something either. So buck up little campers, smile, remove your ego, and game on!

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They discriminate against green people

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Back in my vanilla WoW days, I played on RP-PvP servers and if I saw another faction toon I’d wave. If they waved back, I let them live. If not, I killed them for being rude.


On a serious note, I do feel sorry for Horde players on WrA.

It’s not right that you guys can’t get a decent chance at a war crate. Blizzard didn’t do a good job ensuring sides are more closely balanced either. Thats a big beef I have with server sharding in general. I despise it. It’s a poor solution to a declining player base! They needed to simply shut down servers and merge like servers together with a priority of creating a good sustainable player load for the merged server, a close balance of numbers per faction, and being generally of like-minded players (pvp servers with pvp servers, RP servers with RP servers, etc).

The current server sharding situation is inexcusable.

It’s a company ego and stock price issue. Don’t reduce the number of servers you run because that would look bad. Image > substance. The player base suffers for that.


Yeah, Blizzard really failed in this regard. If I want to W-PvP, I’d probably be better served transferring to a different server, thereby rewarding Blizzard for their failure…

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True. But we reward Blizzard for their server shard disaster by continuing to subscribe.

Emerald Dream has a more active wpvp scene that is more balanced for Horde players. I’ve noticed there that Alliance still tends to dominate the crate drops during the day, while Horde really starts being competitive in the evenings.

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As the sun sets in north america, the Horde bloodied and defeated begin to hear chanting in the distance, for the sun rises in the land down under and the Aussies login!

“death to the bloody wankers!”


Wankers is reserved for our beloved English cousins.

'Muricans get another term that I cannot use on this Family Friendly Forum.

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ED has nothing.

Lack of WPVP and absolutely no RP.

Id rather get overrun by MG alliance at crate drops all day and night than go back to that nothingburger.

Also theres a reason you hid your Guard and Battlehammer toons from Check PVP…


avoiding stalkers is a good one


Lluagor I’m not following your jib here? … I have never hidden the two characters I play from anything. It’s Obmi a dwarf warrior that was on ED and I moved him to WrA a month and a half ago. My other character was Mordain, a dwarf paladin, and he has been on ED continuously, and was in The Guard, and then I moved him to Clan Battlehammer (which I used to be in back in Cata and MoP). I changed his name to Durni the other day.

I attach no ego to pvp ranking in Arena, RBGs, etc. Nor much ego to pvp either. The highest I’ve ever been was around 1800 back in MoP. I run them for fun, to learn, and to get better gear.

If you have some angst towards me you’d like to resolve, I’m always available to duel … my btag is weimtime1971#1483. I’m on nearly daily. Let’s do this.

Being in or associated with the Guard or Warsong Battalion is a good one too.


Drama in a PvP thread?

Wow, how long has it been?

At least 3 minutes

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Can we play a game rock paper scissors instead

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Your cheek is warranted, though I am, for once, being sincere.

I think it’s been some time since I saw a PvP thread attract people who are mad about PvP to throw down in the comments. Makes me feel young again.

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