Warmode Bonus for Alliance is a Failure Experiment

It’s time to stop this unfair failure experiment that only benefit a few…

Alliance opt to kept warmode off, since the release of the extra bonus Hordes never got bonus over 10%

You guys at blizzard tried to manipulated the WPvP balance and failed, just let it flow naturally and remove that unfair bonus.


9.0 will unite the factions. This will end. Removing bonus will kill WM forever.


They’re giving bonuses no one really cares about or think is worth the risk. If they actually want more people, make it reputation and people will go into it by the droves. a 30% reputation buff would be damn nice right now, even if it means i have to punch a few orcs off a cliff. No green man is gonna keep me from reaching exalted!


I do not think it is so much a matter of seeking the bonus as avoiding being slaughtered. Nearly everybody I have known that “wants to pvp” is or has changed to Horde. That creates a hugely imbalanced player base. The bonus is merely a carrot to provide incentive to join the battle.

I have a feeling it would work the other way if the Horde was not the heaviest PvP oriented faction, but rather the Alliance.

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Nah, let’s keep the 30% xp bonus for a month or two. I need to level ARs.


Yes, it is unfair that Horde get a pretty much risk-free 10% bonus all the time.

That 30% may sound like a lot, but once you realise that it’s often 30% of zero you quickly come to the conclusion that it’s better to play with WM off if your toon is Alliance.


There should be no bonuses or incentive for PvE players to do Warmode. Trying to hand out special bonuses to the people not participating while ignoring those who do is terrible design and a bandaid to the failed experiment of Warmode. PvP servers should have been merged at worse, forcing PvP and PvE players together then trying to have everyone do both was a bad idea from the get go.


More like a failed bribe system. I mean really bribe one side to participate because you wont fix your system or assuming how people want to play & you think you know what makes them have more fun. One thing I have noticed with the current Game GODS, when something is not good they over sell it big time & they will do pretty much do anything to prove they are right or it is good.


The interesting thing is seeing horde PVE players dogpile into WM to get the bonus even if they have no desire to pvp because the imbalance makes it fairly safe. The amount of horde who have done the /sigh at me when I attack them and just let me kill them is incredible. Right now the incentive facilitates imbalance because it encourages non pvp players to pvp only when they have an advantage.

It may be too late to go back at this point, but I really preferred the pve/pvp server model. You knew what you were signing up for when you created your character, for better or for worse, and you couldn’t just switch back and forth whenever it convenienced you. Sometimes taking player choice away and forcing them to commit to the ruleset they signed up for is healthier for the game.


If I had a nickel for every time a horde player whined about this, I’d have a lot of nickels. Like, enough to build a house. With nickels. Physically. Like a legit nickel house.


I see this a lot as well, both sides really. For leveling its like having another 2 pieces of Heirloom gear at the base 10% so of course people are going to use it. RP servers especially since the big ones tend to be Heavily favoring one side or the other to the point its no competition and everyone leaves each other alone on sight anyway (while leveling.)

This is sadly the truth

Is it a failure because alliance showed up to kick your butt or is it a failure because there is still no Alliance for you to fight?

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I agree. Warmode should be a Free-for-All where everyone is hostile to everyone else and then the Horde majority wPvPers will have plenty of wPvP.


I leveled this character with warmode on all the way helping to kill the odd Alliance here and there. It was 99.9 percent safe to get those bonuses. The only pain in the butt is actually having to search for 10 Alliance to get weekly pvp done. You cant form a raid for it and you have to hope someone server had active Alliance. I wish they implement the Alliance NPC like in Island expedition already…

rep bonus and better chance of war/titan forging would be best, you are right lol. right now the tortollans are such a pain to rep with.

This is the dream. If WM doesn’t do it, I’d like to see at least an opt in feature in Booty Bay that lets you go into a FFA mode. Faction loyalty be damned.

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Dude, I suspect they did it intentionally. They have the developers playing dumb

How many of you aren’t progressing much as you’re too busy killing the other faction”???

They know, they’re doing it deliberately for some reason.


Its like they wasted an expansion to do one big trolling on the players.

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