Warlord's Deathwheel Is a Legal Issue and Will Never Return Thanks to FOMO Language (IANAL)

this is an expert legal analysis which agrees with the seventh circuit’s ruling on “fomo language” which is definitely a real thing and not something gamers made up

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I don’t really think it has anything to do with the language of the announcement, “urgency”, or CA law pertaining to sweepstakes.

You’re really forcing the logic there to make them apply in this specific case. There are tons of video games that have limited time events that eventually do reruns or make the items available in other ways without any issue.

I think it’s just as simple as that they don’t own the rights to that Horde bike. Hence why they can’t use it however they want.

Maybe they could? But it would be in the realm of China’s knock-off Starbuck’s, “Starsbuck’s”.
Legally, with enough alterations to the shape and color they could probably make a pretty solid case for it being not the same. But even if they could get away with that it’s going to piss off the people who own it (assuming it’s a rights issue preventing them from using it however they want and if so they will probably be taken to court which means legal fees) and doing something like that is going to have the people you did business with feeling like they got screwed over. That’s not really the approach you ever want to go with in a business relationship… even if you legally can get away with it. You may ruin that relationship and future relationships may come with more rigid terms or receive fewer opportunities because people generally don’t want to work with someone who is willing to screw others/them over like that.

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Lmao I like how you’re saying that like it’s a fact. it’s just your opinion and it’s a bad one.

There was never a logical reason to remove it when the Alliance version is still available.

tbf you can actually buy most items from prior events on the in-game store in ff14

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This brings back fond memories of the first day we got out Deathwheels. My guildies and I would make sure to leave ours idling outside the door of the Alliance base in Dalaran whenever we were afk.

Honestly they cold still offer a variation on it like a re-color probably in shades of copper and bronze or maybe a fel re-skin like I get that this one was limited but I can’t get into my old account that had it and honestly im an adult with adult things to do other than sitting on the phone with blizzard or any customer support that isnt 100℅ nessasary and I didnt loose much “real” money because I didnt buy too much on the store…to get the account back but of all my mounts this def hurt the most to loose… I mean if I could just have a variation of it in game that’d be something I really enjoyed this mount it was my main ground mount for yearrrrrrsss or hell give us the warlords flying deathwheel sure it gives harry potter vibes but I mean we basically have Pokemon (pets) and no one can tell me a hawk strider isn’t a chokabo… So like is that really a problem? I feel like theres a total work around for this they’d just have to make a significant enough distinguishable change from the mount offered in that promotion to offer something similar enough to make players happy and the horde to have a horde bike.

They actually put 98% of past rewards that were free up to buy on the mog store

Except for the well researched part.

Nah, don’t bring it back. That’s like the last thing I have that they haven’t brought back yet. The day Blizzard brings back the Deathwheel in this game or Pink Mercy in Overwatch is the day I actually uninstall battle net for good.