Warlord Ramtusk (Razorfen Kraul) is super buggy

This fight is either incredibly overtuned, or heavily bugged, but the spirit link totem is annihilating groups in seconds. Just ran this on my rogue alt, and we wiped 3 times to this boss, our tank dying in seconds each time, and then just gave up and called it there. This fight definitely needs to be looked at.


This has been a problem since the start of Shadowlands. Certain high level healers have healing abilities based on their own health, not on the health of the players they are healing. I know spirit link totem was one of the problems. Also shadow mend was one shotting level 10 tanks, but that has been removed.


This is still a problem. Spirit Link Totem instakills entire group as soon as it ticks. Can’t skip boss because the gate is locked until he’s dead.

Even Roogug before him seems to be very overtuned, with the 200% berserking buff the tank just has to try to kite because no healer can spam heal through the damage, depending on the group levels (since level scaling in dungeons is still insanely out of wack with level 10s in white gear being like 3x higher dps/tankiness of a geared level 50)


Just simply remove the spirit link totem mechanic, then we’re all good