Warlocks should be very worried

I guess ill ask this real quick - is this from a purely pvp perspective and partially because getting chaos locked is getting locked out of everything while getting fire locked allows you to still fear and cast some stuff from shadow?

No it’s because your only kill potential is a hard cast spell. Other specs suffer from this as well. Frost mage being well
 the only other one currently.

okay so its forsure pvp - im gonna stay out your way then, i dont pvp at all so carry on o7

I’d be worried. When rogue trees were released, and were amazing, I said “ok so blizz is gonna do well with all the full DPS classes”.

Then hunter and mage came out and are trash.

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What does this even mean? Lol

No but actually, I’m not even sure you know what you typed out.

You failing to understand what you wrote, and the point being made is a you problem. A toddler could follow the point.

I am wondering what’s taking so long to show a preview of our talent trees.

Seeing all other classes getting builds updates on theirs while our is still guessing in development is a bit idk.

It’s almost as if they’re following a schedule

Well they’d better hurry because all the interns doing this work go back to school very soon.

Keep going. :clown_face:

Malefic Rapture was an interesting idea. It failed to address the main issue though: Getting DoT’s out on more than a few targets before they are dead. While I’m not in a high-end guild pushing Mythic prog, I do play with EXTREMELY competent players. When adds melt before you’ve had the chance to apply dots, it’s a problem. If Malefic Rapture did flat damage regardless of how many dots we’re on a target, I could see things like Vile Taint being more valuable in an AoE scenario, but that’s not the reality.

It always felt like the gave all the useable DoT tools to DK’s and SPriests that make them shine in AoE scenarios.


My worry for lock is being one of the last trees means that its got less time to be iterated on, however warlock is already designed well enough that its hard to imagine all three lock specs being garbage in df s1.

Demo in particular has had a lot of good borrowed power options in recent expansions and the only thing that would really push me away would be doom being impossible to avoid for any good build.

I get the feeling destro is going to get like 5 separate talent points for havoc just because of previous borrowed powers. I can feel it in my gut we’re getting that havoc legendary that was only used to parse on specific raid fights and probably the havoc azerite trait too. This isn’t a bad thing mind you.

Aff is going to be weird, I get the impression its gonna get the arcane treatment of having something major changed. I hope malefic rapture is gone, it seems like it takes up too much space in design since its a spell that does everything so its tuned to do nothing.


Hopefully the person who made the shaman trees is the same person working on the warlock trees, or at least takes notes.

The recent paladin and mage trees make me nervous.


i think we needed another purely single target spender to compliment MR - but if we did, we couldve had MR do flat damage as long as something is Dotted perhaps. that way youd roll into a pack, seed, and then you could start MRing if things were melting, or you could apply 3-4 agonies if necessary to get your shard gen rolling. I dont think any spec in the game relies on dots for AOE at the moment but i think youre right, to get even DECENT benefit out of MR in an AOE pack it took too many globals

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Yeah, and honestly thinking on it they could have a talent where: MR spreads DoTs to other targets without DoTs or have a talent where like: “Your Agony tries to spread to other targets, often preferring targets without Agony every time it ticks.” This would mean you press Agony to renew it/keep it stacked up and the other DoTs, too, but every target without Agony on it Agony would spread to it to get it up there letting go of globals spent to start the damage and instead having globals spent to keep the damage continuing.

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I think it was in Rift where you had the concept of dots one target, then cast epidemic to spread it to all targets? Or was it with early unholy DK in WotLK? I am confused :smiley:

Idk if it was in Rift but unholy DK in wrath did have something like that, yeah, with epidemic spreading and flaring diseases up and i think unholy blight too.

either way was good then, would be good for Aff, Shadow, Asn and other full on DoT specs to have the same kind of mechanic like that.

Aff used to have Soul Swap and you could Soulburn:Soul Swap to instantly apply all DoTs on a single target, then Soul Swap as the target dies to go into another. That was pretty awesome, too.


I just want Affliction to be DoT Focused again. Increase our DoT abilities without having to spam MF and then Drain soul to fill it back up on proc chance. Haunt or Shadow Embrace need to be along the same Talent Tree path or at least Make Haunt Base line like it used to be. I just want to be Viable as Affliction in M+, Raid and PvP and not be forced to play a numb numbing Conflag spec that can spam Infernal. I tried demo, but man, that just feels weird for me.


in the end its gonna boil down to: if you choose to one trick a spec and ONLY that spec, inside a pure DPS class, then if that spec sucks while the other 2 are very good to exceptional, you are intentionally hamstringing yourself and you’re not gonna get much sympathy or anything else. your balancing patch there is “press N and choose destro”

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Very much so, that is a reality One-tricking needs to come to gripes with, one who i have come to terms with myself as a demo one trick.

At least, as pure dps’s we have 2 other alternatives specs, while hybrids need to change for a completely different character.