Warlocks. OP

It will change in a few weeks when DF starts. Be patient

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Yeah i had a 85k incinerate when all buffs/procs were up and the player was most likely not very well geared. In another thread I posted much of the healing and damage will be gone once DF goes live.

The game is in transition and the current state will not be much longer.

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EVEN with the nerfs yesterday they are still broken beyond broken. I mained a lock all this expan and some of last and thought I would try melee this time around. BUT I got the picture. IF you want to play caster you play aff lock and melee is DH.

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and dispelling can be deadly


How bad does someone have to be at game design to let Warlocks existing in their current state in PvP actually go live? What a joke

600K shield at lvl 70 in DF, is that too much??


I don’t care what’s op as long as it’s not a rogue-mage.

Agree that Rogue/Mage should be Ctier for an entire expansion it would be nice. However also would be great if Lock/Hunter is as well. Any time lock is OP PvP is just unfun and it’s better to just play a different game.

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They just got a nerf in PVP. Not sure when it becomes live.

says the warrior the best s tier class with no counter play for how long? rofl

was nerfed into the ground. dh will just roll over them now

There’s a few other classes that need some nerfing in PvP.

Blood DKs and their gizzilion death-grips.

Actually DKs in general with their damage output and survivability. They’re almost as bad as DHs only without the mobility. But who needs that when you can train and kill a healer while being wailed on by 3-4 DPS and STILL survive :roll_eyes:

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When you think about it what were the devs thinking when they gave a gazillion death grips? What was the idea behind that? They make some stupid talents sometimes.

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Would love for obnoxious CC to be removed from the game.

Spear should only grip you 1 time then you should be immune just like Vortex. Same for abomlimb and that Sham one.

Then get rid of lock obnoxious teleporting teams off map or to spots where they are removed from PvP.

Would be great if we can at least fix these but would be better if they just removed them forever.

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Just saying blizz doesn’t care about pvp. Their idea of balancing is needing damage 25% and increase up 40%
 that’s the lazy way out

It’s about time that warlocks have as much health and tankiness as a tank. And a pet. And huge dps And healing ability that rivals a geared healer.
I think this is a good thing. Well done blizz!!


Lets not forget the means to teleport an entire team away

Warlocks will now take the place as a healer and tank in Solo shuffle as of next update.
DH is being monitored for increased power issues, so far nothing has been found.

I think they should give dhs pets and paladin bubbles. Doesn’t seem fair

Need to be more specific Warlocks are not the problem Afflic spec is. Also have you not seen some of the DH damage lately? Talk about broken im 300 ilvl and 1 stun and 2 gcds from a 270 DH in pvp and im dead.