Warlocks. OP

Decimating Bolt is making locks OP with Affliction too. Decimating Bolt into a Nightfall procced Drain Soul hits for about 75k over a very short channel duration. Add haunt on top of that and a full row of dots with the talent that increases the damage of drain soul by the number of afflictions, you can 100-0 someone with those 2 spells.

Yea it’s obviously way too much considering that Locks are the best Tanks in game with great mobility and control.

Saw a Lock with more HP than me as Prot. They just have so much and need to have their HP reduced.

What is scary is the new gems/enchants will really cause Locks to be in a league of their own which no one is talking about. The power creep in DF is insane. The new +75 stam +66 stat gems will go a long way for Locks.

Also interested in what specs utilize the new mods to draw power on their gems to 1 shot ppl. Or use their gems to grant another absorb shield.

Affliction warlock is super OP right now. 5+ in every bg because of this. if geared enough they’re unkillable even against a group. This isnt just salty grapes, its broken.


i can tell you from experience that while destruction warlocks are busted right now. they wont be as bad at lvl 70. they needed the buffs, but blizzard didnt realise that buffing them this early would have such a bad affect, and the reason incinerate is hitting for 60k in pvp is not because of the buffs.

its because decimating bolt is still available. the necrolord ability. we did not get decimating bolt in our talent tree. so it will not be there at lvl 70…but decimating bolt buffs incinerate by 100%

so there ya have it. the secret to why destruction warlocks are so strong right now. relax until the expansion hits. cant speak for affliction never liked that spec, but am enjoying the 60-70k crits in pvp as destruction while it lasts, since its only temporary

Wrong…The reason why it hits for 50K+ is the burn to ashes talent…non necro lock here.

Not anymore…

that’s a massive freaking nerf right there.

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Yea and no Dev notes attached to it. No real thought or reason. It’s kinda scary how detached they are. I mean I don’t even play enhance and this hurts me. This is why Retail just isn’t playable anymore. Overnight you can just be ruined by lack of actual Devs.

Imagine enhance Shams actually getting excited for the first time in 5+ years only to be gutted in Pre-patch and having to reroll again. It’s wild they go this heavy handed against enhance when Lock is way more OP.

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Sometimes, when I imagine the Bliz. devs carpooling to work together, I imagine one of those comically small cars filled with 20-30 clowns. The audience gasps as each one emerges.


Yeah, I hit that as well.
Before pre-patch I was hitting 23k incinerates.

Do we not lose Decimating bolt after pre-patch? It is a 100% buff to incinerate so that is the bulk of it.

if youre not necro… youre missing out on the fun lol. i hit a death knight a BG the other day for a 92k incinerate. thats with burn to ashes and decimating bolt.

It will change in a few weeks when DF starts. Be patient

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Yeah i had a 85k incinerate when all buffs/procs were up and the player was most likely not very well geared. In another thread I posted much of the healing and damage will be gone once DF goes live.

The game is in transition and the current state will not be much longer.

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EVEN with the nerfs yesterday they are still broken beyond broken. I mained a lock all this expan and some of last and thought I would try melee this time around. BUT I got the picture. IF you want to play caster you play aff lock and melee is DH.

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and dispelling can be deadly


How bad does someone have to be at game design to let Warlocks existing in their current state in PvP actually go live? What a joke…

600K shield at lvl 70 in DF, is that too much??


I don’t care what’s op as long as it’s not a rogue-mage.

Agree that Rogue/Mage should be Ctier for an entire expansion it would be nice. However also would be great if Lock/Hunter is as well. Any time lock is OP PvP is just unfun and it’s better to just play a different game.

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