Of course, this is only my opinion, but I’ve been playing Nanette since 2004, and I feel demonology warlocks of old simply felt better. What I mean is, they felt more like what I believe a warlock should be.
The part of the current design I feel falls short are abilities like Hand of Guldan and the Doggos. Combining a temporary summons with a separate damaging attack feels cheap. Are they a summons or an aoe? Just make them an aoe and an aoe with a dot component.
Then, if we have the extra imps talented, we can dismiss them at all! We can’t just sit around town without these annoying pests.
I want to be a master of the demons I do have, not a zookeeper. The purpose of demonology was always put more emphasis on the damage they did over personal damage, unlike destruction or affliction, which was the other way around, not a matter of summoning a legion capable of taking me out if they turned.
Please don’t get me wrong, I like the overall damage output from Hand and Dogs, it’s more how the feel, considering the visuals. I just want to feel like I’m doing at least SOME of the work instead of watching a mob of imps, dogs, and a tyrant do it all.
Anyway, just a stupid Monday evening rant that I’ll forget about by tomorrow. Meh.