Warlocks need more Demons!

Will one of the new demons actually give me a interrupt without having a massive dps loss by swapping out felguard at a compounded 6 second cast time?

Speaking about current demons, have the Voidwalker and Felguard gained a defensive boost? In the past of BfA and Legion, they seemed to fall quite easily, which was very displeasing.

Imagine blizzard not reusing assets. and making card games. and failed esports.

They drop like flies, even in Shadowlands alpha health funnel is basically on rotation to keep them up especially with a 6 second re summon…

Hopefully more changes happen.

I could go for more options, regardless if that were just visual change options, or actually something more like how hunters work with pets. Even with unholy dk could use more options like via the control undead ability they have.

I could see just a UI that has slots for those demons we can summon, and they are grouped as specific roles. I could then see demons just being tagged to those demon roles, while the demonology spec might have access to some more unique looks or demons.