Warlocks Need More Demons!

I’m into getting any and all types of demons for all of my Warlocks and everyone else’s Warlocks, with updated shivarras, more succubus and shivarra colors and of course more incubus colors like the kissing booth one (shadow succubus) and of course a fel one to match the fel succubus being my own personal wants. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


I do indeed love Wyrmtongues, but not as much as I love the demons that they replaced from Burning Crusade, the Ganarg…

They were the perfect minions of the at-the-time more scientifically minded but still quite brutish Moarg. Plus when they got low on HP they had a tendency of pulling out bombs and charging at you, and… well… I am a goblin, after all…

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They also need to allow other pets to silence so you can use something other than the fel hunter in group content.


An achievement doesn’t stop things from being added.

I remember when Loremaster only required you to do a lot of quests in Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland and Northrend.

The achievement has grown substantially since then, requiring quests from every expansion so far.

Needless to say, I’m glad I got it when it was small lol

Those souls aren’t all innocent and the rabbits are pretty tasty…


Besides, Warlocks don’t eat souls. Demon Hunters do that.

Warlocks burn soul shards. It’s different. A soul shard isn’t a whole soul, it’s just a tiny piece of it. Most of the times, the soul doesn’t even realize it’s missing.

Soul Shard gathering is a harmless and sustainable practice. It’s like getting wool from a sheep. Unlike the Demon Hunters’ soul eating, which is like eating the sheep lol

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I am ok with this.


A lovely dude made a grand list of all demons in the game and how they could fit the roles of our current demons.

But I’d love one of these babies instead of the pupper.


Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff Found it~!


A portal opens up, and a wave of demons just run out


I actually dislike summoning my voidwalker because they dont match my fel transmog. I have been wanting a felwalker for a long time

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They should just bite the bullet and put as many existing demon forms into the barber shop as they can reasonable categorize into the existing warlock pet groups.

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And idea. Former mortals turned demon providing some perks. Like a Gan’arg technician that provide a Warlock with some bonus perks in engineering. And the former blood elves that had absorbed fel power to the point that they mutated as a spell casting pet. Fel orcs could be tanks.

Edited minor typo.

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I would like an option to turn my Imp into a Bilescourge.