Warlocks Have a Big Bad Fantasy Problem

Warlocks, especially Destruction Warlocks, wield Fel Magic. The game even calls Destruction Warlocks “masters of Chaos” (Fel = Chaos Magic).

That’s a fact.

You know that thing about “showing, not telling”? Well, current day Warlocks have a problem with that.

The game tell us that Warlocks wield Fel Magic. But it shows no evidence of the fact.

We have green spells. Big deal. Monks have green spells, Druids have green spells, DKs have green spells. Necrolords have green spells. Green can mean a lot of things in Warcraft Magic, not just Fel.

The true intrinsic characteristic of Fel Magic is the corruption of the user into a demonic visage.

“Whatever the case, willing or not, a creature is transformed into a demon when its body is saturated with fel energy.”
-Warcraft Encyclopedia

“All creatures who use the power of fel magic, willingly or otherwise, slowly take on the appearance of demons.”
-Dungeon Journal, The Maker

And we see that all the time in Warlock NPCs.

When the Bloodtotem Tauren went Warlock, they looked like this:

And Burning Legion Orc Warlocks look like this:

Oh, but those are villains. What about the good guys?

If you look at the Warlock Class Hall, you’ll notice that the biggest guy around there are Ritssyn Flamescowl and Kanrethad Ebonlocke. Kanrethad is famous for being the Warlock Metamorphosis guy, while Ritssyn has a glowing Fel skull.

There’s also Shinfel, the green Blood Elf. Like, she is literally green lol

Meanwhile, player Warlocks look like this:

There’s zero effect of Fel Magic on a player Warlock. Either we use no Fel Magic at all, or all the effect is concentrated in places where we can’t see.


Now, we do have a talent called Demon Skin.

The fantasy of that Talent is that your skin mutates into sturdier regenerative Demon Skin that protects you from harm.

But this spell has no visible effect, no animation, no nothing. It’s just a passive.

And once again we hit the “show, not tell” issue that plagues Warlock Fantasy.

What’s the solution to that? I don’t know lol

But something should be done about it. Warlocks should feel like actual Fel Users, not just goth wizards.


Its because mortals who use fel magic do not fully 100% use it the same way enemies use it. You “borrow” enough power not to corrupt you and become a mind slave for the legion.

1 - How much Fel Magic we use should be for the player to decide.

2 - Suppose you’re right. That still doesn’t matter.

All creatures who use the power of fel magic, willingly or otherwise, slowly take on the appearance of demons.”

Fel is extremely corruptive. Look at the Orcs. Just by living near Orcs that drank Demon Blood, the Frostwolf Clan turned green. They didn’t even need to use Fel Magic itself to get visibly corrupted.

Player warlocks look like that if you mog like that.

That’s an example.

The fact is, all player Warlocks will look completely uncorrupted if you take their gear off.

And if you only look corrupted with your clothes on, then it’s not you that is corrupted, it’s your outfit lol

we beat em. nothing to be scared of anymore

It still has a lingering corruption effect. And they aren’t gone, we simply sealed their leader away. There are still “remnants” of the legion out there.

Without Sargeras, the Burning Legion is essentially no more.

According to Chronicle, because Demons are beings of Chaos, they can’t really work together and organize under normal conditions. So they were just a cosmic nuisance, not a threat, because even though they were individually powerful, they were all working alone.

It took the presence of a Titan (an Order God) to “organize Chaos” and turn the Demons into an army. Without Sargeras, the Legion remnants will simply return to their natural state of Chaos.

I agree and support this. Warlock users of fel magic should get permanent demonic features.


I mean if you want to be evil and farmed by player for loot, go ahead? I prefer my warlocks to dabble in fel, not have it injected into their veins like a junkie.

Again, Fel Corruption afflicts ALL who use Fel Magic, whether you just dabble on it or you drink it like a college student in a party.

All creatures who use the power of fel magic , willingly or otherwise, slowly take on the appearance of demons.”

The Frostwolf Clan got visibly corrupted (AKA Green) just by standing near Orcs that drank Demon Blood.

Reminds me of how they changed shadow priests from priests who happen to dabble with shadow magic into… insane void-monster heretics.

That still ruined the class fantasy as far as I’m concerned.

I’m sure there’s plenty of warlock players that see themselves as masters of demons and fel, and not servitors.

Well, not really permanent, more like permanent cycles. More power and energy focused out the more the visuals corruption to be present.

I.E: 5 shards up and not using them is rather chaotic nature, so more visual corruption. Once shards get used, less visual.

Although, just nuking while down to 0 shards and trying to build up should give a withered and weaken visual. While at three should have a mixture of normal with a very mild eerie aura.

In my opinion that is. Plus it will give visual queues on if your lock is lacking or going full ham if groups dont have an dps meter addon or meter broke.

I don’t disagree with that.

You know, TTRPGs have a similar issue.

Know what happens there when you go too far?

I take your character sheet from you, and you make a new character.

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