Warlocks banned?

Not going to lie if I knew about the portal “exploit” I prob would have done it. The companies inability to test things shouldn’t be our problem.

What I’m curious about is how is this an exploit but things people soloing Princess isn’t? Using “safe zones”, log out skips etc are ok?

I’m very confused.

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Because these are things that have always existed and have never been punished. Blizzard does not consider them an exploit.

If you really think using banish bug where you can spam click a 1 time use reward to completely fill your bags is in anyway the same and not the most obvious shouldn’t touched it with a 10 foot pole idk what to tell you.

It was literally a dupe bug.


So running through an entire instance and then standing on a rock to have all the mobs reset isn’t an exploit? What does it matter if it’s been around forever or not. Maybe those locks thought this was allowed too.

Why do people defend the company for all their fails?


Are you dumb? I mean you don’t have to answer that because I know that answer.

If you thought a literal dupe glitch would ever be acceptable idk what to tell you.

And again yes. Dupe glitches get you ban. Every time.
Reset spots have never in the history of wow gotten anyone banned.
They have patch some reset spots, but have never banned for them.

Ok so some cheating is fine but others isn’t. That’s all I wanted to know. Thank you.


You’re still knowingly abusing a large bug for your personal gain. It IS your problem. Blizzard’s stance has ALWAYS been “if this feels like a cheat/exploit, it’s probably against the rules and you shouldn’t do it”.

If an ATM glitches out and starts spitting out tons of money, you’re still going to get in trouble for just taking it, because you’re taking advantage of something obviously not intentional.

Kiting a boss around isn’t a glitch/bug.

Log out skips aren’t a glitch/bug, they’re intended behavior.

Mobs resetting when they can’t path to you is intended behavior.


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If blizzard doesn’t consider it cheating its not cheating.
Bad argument.

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So how do we know what cheating is?

Again why defend the company for their fails? If anything roll back accounts don’t ban them.

Why didn’t the early people getting loads of gold from incursions not get banned?

Why are some things bannable but similar things not.

If you think something is iffy. You just look up “Is this bannable” “Has anyone been ban for this” or just put in a support ticket.

Its really that simple.

For a Dupe bug that is laughable.
There is nothing similar to a dupe bug that hasn’t been bannable, a dupe bug is a dupe bug.

I am sorry you got banned and are pretending you weren’t for some reason. But the way you are typing 100% reminds me of someone who just got banned

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If you truly believe that using a safe spot in a dungeon to reset mobs, and an item dupe bug are even remotely close in comparison, I don’t even have words. Safe spotting actually works in the open world in some areas also. Safe spots and logout skips have always been chalked up under the “cleave use of game mechanics” category. Sometimes blizz patches some of them to try and combat bots/boosing, but ive never ever heard of anyone being punished for that.

Duplicating an item however? Yeah there has been no version of any warcraft game where that would be excepted. Any instance of item dupe bugs get people banned every time. In 2019 classic, people abused something to just reset the last boss of a dungeon without zoning out, and they were banned for that right away.

Sure blizz should of tested this out internally, but they are working with what they got. Players know that this sort of thing is banable, always has been, always will be. Safe spot resetting mobs has never been classified as cheating.

Also, people farming incursions for gold were never cheating, thats how the quests went live, that was a math mistake on blizzards end. Players were just playing the content that was available, completely different situation. Stop being intentionally dishonest, its a poor excuse for a troll /yawn

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Fam they’re trolling you. They’re making you debate feelings and things that differ from person to person so you can’t actually answer in a way they will ever accept.

don’t take further bites of their bait.

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I didn’t get banned lol want to log onto CS alliance and say Hi?

You mention that safe spotting is left in because of, “clever use of mechanics” but using an ability to banish which in its own is a clever use of its mechanic not acceptable?
Players getting more gold than they should have wasn’t supposed to happen, it was just an error on Blizzards part?

You guys make me smile with the hoops you jump through to validate abusing mechanics of this game.

No you aren’t.

You’re just upset you got caught.


Yes really jumping through hoops to say that every instance of item duping has been a banable offence lmao Players should know better. “Huh I can get infinite items by doing something questionable”.

Players didn’t get more gold than they should have. Blizzard miscalculated with the 300% gold gain from the leveling buff lmao. Players didn’t abuse the system, it was working as intended.

There’s clever use of game mechanics, and there’s exploits. A tale as old as time, dont exploit and you have nothing to worry about.

You guys make me smile with the hoops you jump through to be intentionally dishonest. It quite is S tier forums entertainment


Enjoy the ban


I’m taking all answers; Which MMO have you played/know of where they were okay with item dupes?

I’ll be here.


Stealing a candy bar is not the same as bringing a gun into a bank to take hostages and rob the bank. Hope this helps make things more clear. Tbh though, my personal opinion is I’m surprised if blizz banned anyone for this. They deserved the ban, but I’m surprised.

So exploiting mob movement is ok? You dont consider what mages do in mara to be an exploit lol???

Are both illegal? Seem more alike then different to me