Warlocks and how to improve them

Going to try and make this not so lengthy.
Warlock Tank - When this was first announced it made my choice to play warlock that much easier.
Metamorphosis - Big problem is there is no health pool to help mitigate the…well lack of mitigation. Make meta along side the increase to armor also give a 30% increase to stamina. This will be an enormous boost. Sure rogues do not get this same thing but they get a rune that does this for them and its not a 3 Min cooldown ( really bad design idea never made much sense), Or revamp the vengeance rune to work kinda how rolling with the punches does. Dance of the wicked could be super useful, but the mana return just isnt worth it. When the rune first was implemented ( and its was bugged) I used this rune over the other 2 no questions asked. Life tap wasnt needed especially if i got a few crits in a row. 2% is very weak but increasing it to 10% of our maximum mana would even out alot especially at lvl 60. Make it so the 10% is only available in metamorphosis. Feel like infernal Armor was just a last moment idea that is just lack luster at best. I dont know what to put in its place but this is just another runes i wont collect because it wont be used.
Now for dps - where to start. Give doom and agony the cata treatment, Its a 100 dps loss to not be able to use agony in raid because I can buff the melee dps by using recklessness instead or elements if we have 2 locks and a shadow priest. Feels bad man. I like decimation but feel like it will be a good choice if we are playing destro and the only real choice for cape rune since we wont spend the soul shards for a 1 shadowbolt/ incinerate crit. There is no other choice. Give use two options for executes here. Make mark of chaos when you use Shadowburn on targets below 35% health take increased dmg from our dots or from drain life/drain soul. this would give the rune soul siphon some actual use as well. Pandemic should include drain life also would give more reason to run demonic tactics . increase duration of backdraft to 12 seconds ( not sure why just feel like this evens it out more). I love the felguard but can we truly make it benefit from things like imp imp and imp Sayaad make people actually want to try demo. The class fantasy for demo isnt there like it is in retail, but i feel like there is more that can come from it other than an okay pvp spec. Invocation lets turn this into a 5 second cooldown that makes all instances of corruption or immolate deal dmg instantly. Shadow flame buff the dmg to 20% . I truly do love playing a warlock ( been playing a lock since 2008) and i think this would give alot of options for play style and help make locks not feel so locked down to our rune choices. Ive so far only seen one other forum topic about warlocks and i felt like there were good things there as well, but this is just my opinion on how to improve the current state of warlocks.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

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I agree the runes suck but MD/Ruin build is going to great for Meta phase 4. I am still looking forward to playing lock next phase. We will have by far the most resist out of all tanks.

Same. Love playing Warlock (Affliction mostly), but I definitely don’t have the in depth knowledge of the class required to write useful feedback like this.

My fear is that, because Warlock seems to be an underrepresented class (esp on forums), we’ll continue to be overlooked with much needed adjustments and buffs. Thanks for fighting the good fight!

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bumping to try and make warlock voices heard