Warlock: The Heavy Metal Mega Man

By Mega Man I don’t mean we are super great. I mean the Capcom characters. Mega Man, Mega Man X, Mega Man Volnutt, MegaMan.exe, Star Force Mega Man, etc.

Like, most Magic Classes stay in their lane. Like how Mages are limited to Arcane Magic, and Shamans are limited to primal Magic, etc. Not Warlocks though. We learn all the heavy metal spells we see the bad guys casting!

We got Fel spells like Demon Summoning, Chaos Bolt and Channel Demonfire.

We got Void Spells like Voidwalkers (and Lords) and Shadowbolt.

We got Death Spells like Haunt and Deathbolt.

We got nondescript Fire spells like Immolate and Incinerate, that could be Fel Magic or not, it’s up to the player.

We got nondescript “dark” spells like Fear, Drain Life and Vile Taint, that could be Fel, Void or Death Magic, it’s up to the player.

We got Cataclysm, a Deathwing spell. You know, that famous branch of Magic, Deathwing Magic lol

There’s Unending Breath, that’s… whatever Magic. Water magic? Air magic? I REALLY don’t know.

And what is the lore on Healthstones? I can’t find anything! Are they Fel Magic? The effect of just healing people with no strings attached doesn’t feel like Fel Magic, which generally destroys stuff. Is it like… Goth Life Magic?

We also had spells in the past like Sleep, which just makes the target sleep, and it’s hard to even call that “dark magic” at all, and Carrion Swarm, in which we throw bats at people.

Warlocks. If your spell looks evil, we will take it! :sunglasses:


You’re like an evil Captain Planet

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Does that make warriors the Megaman of melee? We see a weapon we can just pick it up and hit some one with it real hard. We used to use bows and guns real well but decided we couldnt taste the blood when we used those weapons so threw them on the ground.

You talk too much! I shall banish you! The devs are now looking at us!

Might N9 is demon.

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If I remember correctly they used to cost a soul shard to create. So I think when you use one you’re consuming someone’s sweet, sweet soul juice.

Pretty much sums them up. “Oh that magic is forbidden? Mine.”

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Feels good man.

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I mean, yes?

The thing is, hitting people with stuff isn’t really magic lol

Warriors only have one super power, and that’s super strength.

They do have plenty of fighting techniques with all the weapons available.

In short, it’s complicated lol

So if you have “war” in the class title… you are then a megaman!

Hey I can use magic, when I see a spell fly at me I can hit it right back with pinpoint accuracy.

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Calm down mortal…

You know what would be a really cool addition to warlocks? Shields. Why do shamans get to be the only casters with shields?

Warlock magic lore basically allows devs to shoehorn anything in there. Can death magic be fire? Sure! Ice? Why not? Lightning? …Probably not, but we could use some kind of Frankenstein angle and make it work.

Warlocks could summon an undead fire horse that explodes in cursed electrified icicles and it wouldn’t even be super hard to justify in the lore.

Shamans got a couple copies of their ghost dog form & they already cashed in applying the various elements to them. Mages are just gonna be Elsa forever. Priests might be the most limited b/c it’s not like you’re going to go Super Saijan Shadow 5 and fuse with Archimonde or something; there aren’t many cool shadow lore figures to emulate or borrow from.

I’m more of a 2H Axe Warlock myself lol


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OMG that looks AMAZING!!!

Likely off topic but weren’t the shadowmoon clan using shadow bolts and voidwalkers? :thinking:

I don’t remember but probably, but they can’t have Warlocks because of the Fel component, as the Mag’har are defined by their nonfelness.

Yeah, they use shadow magic. But they’re more akin to shadow priests, but while also dabbling in necromancy. It’s why mag’har got priests as a class and not warlocks.

Speaking of, while I’ve enjoyed the old god theme of shadow priests over the last couple of expansions, I hope with the downplaying of void form they can get back to being generally dark, “death priest” types instead.

I think ideally spells for every class should be a bit “theme-neutral” and then have glyphs to add themes to them.

For instance: Shadowform should just be a nondescript shady form. Then you could have a Glyph to make it Old Godish with tentacles, a Glyph to make it Ghostly, etc.

That would allow players to customize the theme of their character within the class.

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Pretty sure the healthstones were made from siphoning health from the mobs you were fighting, or at least they were back in the day. So technically they weren’t free you were just stealing life from mobs and saving it for later.

I haven’t played warlock for a while now so they may have removed the mechanic thus making it seem like free health.

Definitely fel magic, green, demonic runes surround the healthstone well. Healthstones were originally created by warlocks by using Soul Shards…from things you killed and used soul drain on. Definitely very very demonic.