Warlock talent Improved Imp causing Blood Pact to refresh

The issue:

When the talent Improved Imp is taken, some events cause Blood Pact to toggle off and on again. Anyone under its effect will have their maximum health momentarily lowered, and then raised. This is detrimental because players at or near full health will lose health when they lose Blood Pact, but will not gain it when Blood Pact is reapplied.

Trigger conditions:

The bug appears to trigger when specific auras are gained or lost. Two auras that trigger the bug are Amplify Curse and Nightfall. Both of these auras are provided by talents, and also change how an ability functions. I have not tested with other talented auras such as Fel Domination or Soul Link.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Take the talent Improved Imp.
  • Take the talent Amplify Curse.
  • Ensure that an imp is summoned and Blood Pact is active.
  • Optionally ensure that your health is full (makes the bug more apparent).
  • Cast Amplify Curse.
  • Notice that Blood Pact instantly turns off and on. The imp does not animate or play a sound to indicate that the ability is being toggled.
  • Cancel aura Amplify Curse.
  • Notice that Blood Pact refreshes again.

Expected behaviour:

Blood Pact should remain active while the imp is summoned, and should not turn off unless the player commands the imp to cast the ability.

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Well reported. It’s been noted here before also, but not so detailed as this.

Bug is still active. Blizzard, this talent has been broken in various ways since launch, which was roughly 120 days ago.

One hundred and twenty days.