Warlock "Sweet Souls" talent still bugged/inconsistent

I’m just going to paste what I was trying to write in a ticket.


I believe I have encountered a bug or some kind of issue with the Warlock talent “Sweet Souls”. I have noticed every raid night that I receive very little proc’s of this talent compared to the other two warlocks in my raid team. The difference is substantial and results in a great loss of personal HPS over the fight. The fight we’re on currently is Mythic Roshak which is quite healing intensive and this bug is actually becoming detrimental to our progression. I have to use defensives earlier than my peers due to my lack of expected Warlock sustain and thus have nothing towards the end of the fight where it could otherwise be a kill (best pull 6%). Not that me living covers 6% of the boss’s health, but we could’ve easily wiped at 1% and in which case my being alive would definitely matter, especially because the fight length is 7 minutes and at 6.20sh is when my third Nether Portal ramp is coming up. I’m sure you’re well aware of how strong Demo’s burst profile is currently.

(warcraftlogs dot com) /reports/k2D6rtfCwGXWgndy/#boss=2680&difficulty=5&wipes=1&type=healing&view=events&ability=6262&pins=0%24Separate%24%23244F4B%24healing%24-1%240.0.0.Any%240.0.0.Any%24true%240.0.0.Any%24true%24386621%7C6262

Please see the above log from tonights raid for a clear example. It highlights healthstone usage and sweetsoul procs. For every healthstone used, “the warlock” is supposed to be healed for the same amount as per the tooltip of the “Sweet Souls” talent. The Sweet Souls healing effect appears to (mostly) work. However, Which warlock receives the healing seems indeterminate. One warlock receives 104 Sweet Soul procs, another receives only 48 and I only get 19 procs over 28 wipes.

I also only receive Sweet Souls procs from the same two people in my raid; Drargon and Littlesen (and one from the tank). The other two warlocks receive procs from many more sources, practically everyone. Not sure what that means but seems like it could be part of the bug.

Please note that the difference is not due to early deaths etc which you can double-check for yourself on the log if you wish. This trend of receiving very little Sweet Soul procs compared to my peers happens every raid night this tier. I did not play warlock in raid in previous tiers so I cannot comment prior to 10.1.

Please advise how Sweet Souls determines which Warlock to heal if there is any method to the madness that could explain this inconsistency. Or, please consider this as a bug and advise if there is anything else I can do to assist in getting this matter resolved. I very much hope it will be fixed soon.

Have tested for proximity of healthstone user and for who’s Soul Well the raider receives their healthstone from and both cases have been inconclusive/no correlation.


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This talent has been bugged since 11/28/22, this is not an exaggeration. I have reported it myself in 2 diff bugged threads as well as ingame, still no fix. This is extremly unacceptable. For the amount of nerfs this class gets i cant fathom how you guys can let a bug like this sit in game for 6 months.

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still bugged of course.

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Tested today at 9:46 am still not working on my warlocks, i do not get healed from my party members use of healthstone period. Would love clarity on if this is even being investigated at blizzard as a bug.

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fix this bug its hasnt worked in over a year!!!

639 days deep since i reported this bug, this talent still doesnt heal the warlock for the party members healthstones used if those players arent also on the exact server the warlock is. That is the issue and yet it still isnt fixed over 2 years later.

lets get it fixed blizzard! or replaced.

zzz fix this issue please