Warlock solo Baron Aquanis in BFD

Kinda nuts


There’s people struggling with this ‘raid’


First boss and the entire raid for that matter is… easy.

Better nerf hunters again…


Hunter would’ve finished that boss 20 mins ago.

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Pretty cool.

Might have to give it a whirl myself. Doubt I’ll be able to knock it out, but worth the challenge.

More like hunter would be dead 20 minutes ago because it doesn’t have self healing.

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You wouldn’t die. Your pet would kill it before it killed you. Duh. Mind you hunters are busy farming the money, they wouldn’t waste time on this peasant boss that drops junk.

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he doesnt even know about curse of recklessness…

Somehow due to the incompetencies and lack of professionalism by Blizzard, hunters will be nerfed from this.

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hopefully they do tbh

What a waste of a lockout, who’s going to want to run a 1/7 ID?

Plenty of people. A lot of the good stuff drops from the last 2 bosses.

I mean, it’s more so on the last 3, especially the pre-nerf Kelris. The first 3 are pinatta status from the start unless you completely ignore mechanics, in all greens, and aren’t communicating.

Lock self heal has been broken from the rip

If the raid is that easy, why people keep asking for world buff, enhanced potion, enhanced food and etc, etc.

I feel like they want to run ICC 25 H.

What a god gamer.

I’m sure at 40 we can solo the second boss. You can do 250 dps as lock on him now.

This game always has been and always will be full of weirdos that do gear checks for trivial content.

They exist in real life too. “Looking for an unpaid intern, 10 years experience required and PhD preferred!”

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Then why are people requiring consumes and checking WCL before they let you into a pug?