Warlock PvP Revamp

Melee comps are ALWAYS silly strong at the start of expansions. Give it time...a few tweaks here and there and we will be back on track.
the MoP change to dispel mechanic means warlock will never be as interesting as it once was. Add to that the snapshotting nerf in wod or whenever it was. There's nothing they can do to return it to former glory
09/23/2018 12:10 AMPosted by Cerakha
09/22/2018 11:40 PMPosted by Finalfantasy
I Seen maldiva play his warlock over 2.4 cr, so if he can get that rating on a lock, everyone else can too,and locks are perfectly fine the way they are and should get no changes.

He's struggling to get to 2400 right now on stream. He just said himself that he hasn't made glad once this season so far.


This guy is 2.5 cr as lock, so there ya go locks are fine, learn how to play a bit better

ya i'm not really sure what the dev teams issue is with making casters other than frost mage viable in 3s, I pretty much just play nothing but RBGs on my lock you still get trained to death but at least your not completely useless.
09/23/2018 02:31 AMPosted by Manbewby
the MoP change to dispel mechanic means warlock will never be as interesting as it once was. Add to that the snapshotting nerf in wod or whenever it was. There's nothing they can do to return it to former glory

Sad but true. Very annoying/disappointing to spend 3-5+ globals applying DoTs just to see them instantly wiped because the healer pushed 1 button. It would be nice to have an actual dispel protection mechanic. Also removing snapshotting really did remove an engaging/interesting part of the DoT playstyle.
Surely its not difficult to re-implement these skills.

Not sure why they were taken away in first place.
I quit back in WOTLK, and just came back a little bit ago; casually playing, and only did some 2's arena with a feral druid and been doing random BGs. I should have just leveled my druid at this rate.
Bumping up for Monday
Warlocks are fine. So what if it took Maldiva a month and a half to get glad, and Asmongold got it in 3 days?
Its obviously that asmon is just a better player with a stronger understanding for the game, like most people who play melee characters.
I'm sorry that you guys are having a rough time this season, but i think you really just need to grow up and accept that you're just not that good at the game.
WTF is taking so long for blizz to do simple changes to warlock so we can acutally F**ing play.
Just be as good or better as the best warlock players in the world guys duh cmon warlocks are more than fine
I wonder if the lock changes will come in a hotfix or if they will just make us wait until a full patch like 8.1?

They said previously shaman has too much changed to do in a hotfix.. does that mean lock and DK have to wait until a full patch too?

I hope not... even though demo needs LOTS of fixes..
To the top again, love the feedback and thoughts.
09/22/2018 11:00 AMPosted by Richarlison
Great post man.

I honestly miss MoP Warlock... Especially Destro. :(

MOP Destro was DOPE
Bravo man, couldn't said it better
Also bring back dark bargain remove burning rush or make it baseline
if they want to have a cast time on shadowfury, make it 0.5 secs

Cool post, mate
After reviewing the announced changes for classes today, I am sending this back to the top.