Warlock PvP Revamp

You are still wearing blues and greens and you haven’t done any arenas this expansion.

An I missing something? Have you just had bad bg experience? I had a bad exp as an spriest but it turns out they are pretty good in arena. I’ve seen two warlock specs so far in arena multi times and they didn’t seem bad at all, demo and destro.

Demo felt decent to fight against while destro’s chaos bolts felt strong enough. This is just 2’s perspective but from what I saw there wasn’t a feeling of, ”oh goodie a push over warlock”.

Also, I don’t know if its posted anywhere different but all blizzard said was, “Note that we're planning another round of balance updates for the near future after this round, which will include changes for other specs (including Warlock and Death Knight).”

This doesn’t say they are going to string these classes up and take swings with the nerf bat. For all we know they could get buffed, right? Idk, I could be completly wrong but I didn’t feel like Warlocks were in dire straights.
09/22/2018 11:10 AMPosted by Recovers
You are still wearing blues and greens and you haven’t done any arenas this expansion.

An I missing something? Have you just had bad bg experience? I had a bad exp as an spriest but it turns out they are pretty good in arena. I’ve seen two warlock specs so far in arena multi times and they didn’t seem bad at all, demo and destro.

Demo felt decent to fight against while destro’s chaos bolts felt strong enough. This is just 2’s perspective but from what I saw there wasn’t a feeling of, ”oh goodie a push over warlock”.

Also, I don’t know if its posted anywhere different but all blizzard said was, “Note that we're planning another round of balance updates for the near future after this round, which will include changes for other specs (including Warlock and Death Knight).”

This doesn’t say they are going to string these classes up and take swings with the nerf bat. For all we know they could get buffed, right? Idk, I could be completly wrong but I didn’t feel like Warlocks were in dire straights.


Warlocks are probably in the worst pvp state they've been in years. Affliction and Destro can do solid damage but have no defensive ability and literally get stomped without recourse. I can't think of any comp with a warlock where the warlock isn't the kill target, just have two DPS sit on warlock you will win eventually - or like instantly if it's two melee.

All 3 specs have some gimmicky oneshot abilities (ID for aff but nerfec, GoSup infernal CBs which are super ez to stop, demo...whatever I honestly dont know dont play it) but it's trash design. Even if you kill someone it's not fun to play.
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09/22/2018 11:10 AMPosted by Recovers
You are still wearing blues and greens and you haven’t done any arenas this expansion.

An I missing something? Have you just had bad bg experience? I had a bad exp as an spriest but it turns out they are pretty good in arena. I’ve seen two warlock specs so far in arena multi times and they didn’t seem bad at all, demo and destro.

Demo felt decent to fight against while destro’s chaos bolts felt strong enough. This is just 2’s perspective but from what I saw there wasn’t a feeling of, ”oh goodie a push over warlock”.

Also, I don’t know if its posted anywhere different but all blizzard said was, “Note that we're planning another round of balance updates for the near future after this round, which will include changes for other specs (including Warlock and Death Knight).”

This doesn’t say they are going to string these classes up and take swings with the nerf bat. For all we know they could get buffed, right? Idk, I could be completly wrong but I didn’t feel like Warlocks were in dire straights.

Aff relies on ID for wins, and when that gets shut down you get destroyed. There's almost nothing my healer can do to save me when two melee are on me and I'm out of port and gate.
09/22/2018 11:10 AMPosted by Recovers
You are still wearing blues and greens and you haven’t done any arenas this expansion.

An I missing something?

Hi Recovers,

This is Chameetri here, on my Alliance lock I have been playing this expansion. Not in blues or greens.
As others have pointed out the devs are completely out of touch with the warlock class or have never played one. Just look at the newest affliction spell deathbolt. Said spell does the most damage when the dots are fresh on the target which with warlock class/spec identity in mind makes about as much sense as Serena Williams blaming white men for a black woman losing a tennis match against a Japanese chick judged by a Portuguese umpire.
Warlock: Sacs almost half his hp just trying to cast a fear. The fear doesn't even put the rogue out of step range. Rip lock.
So whats shredding warlocks like Rich shows with stick figures? Assn Rogues, arms warriors, boomkins? Maybe its just over tuned classes, idk.

I did more digging after my original post and I found in the AZN Tournament yesterday where one of the Taiwanese players say the game is unbalanced and he was happy his team played Boomkin Assassin because the warlock heavy korean teams were getting deatroyed. I don’t think the new tuning coming for DK and Warlock will be nerfs I think they will be buffs. Participation for both seem low. I don’t think they are bad classes more than I think they are being over shadowed by stronger ones. Just my thoughts.
09/22/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Scoobydooxd
makes about as much sense as Serena Williams blaming white men for a black woman losing a tennis match against a Japanese chick judged by a Portuguese umpire.

Actually, this somehow makes more sense than the current state of Warlock...
09/22/2018 12:31 PMPosted by Recovers
So whats shredding warlocks like Rich shows with stick figures? Assn Rogues, arms warriors, boomkins? Maybe its just over tuned classes, idk.

So much of our armor has been removed with no compensation, except good damage. Melee hits us like a truck. Hell, a MW can deal good damage against us.
09/22/2018 12:31 PMPosted by Recovers
So whats shredding warlocks like Rich shows with stick figures? Assn Rogues, arms warriors, boomkins? Maybe its just over tuned classes, idk.

I did more digging after my original post and I found in the AZN Tournament yesterday where one of the Taiwanese players say the game is unbalanced and he was happy his team played Boomkin Assassin because the warlock heavy korean teams were getting deatroyed. I don’t think the new tuning coming for DK and Warlock will be nerfs I think they will be buffs. Participation for both seem low. I don’t think they are bad classes more than I think they are being over shadowed by stronger ones. Just my thoughts.

As stated earlier, the issue in PvP is that we have no practical means to stop the pressure that melee can put out on us. Blizzard has us tuned for being this incredibly tanky spec, but our tanky-ness is gone and our ports are too restrictive, clunky, and are not baseline (speaking of demonic portal), as well as being cast times. Our baseline CC's are either on specific pets and/or have a significant cast time, that typically result in a poor payout. It's incredibly frustrating to play a warlock when melee can close the gap instantly, then put tremendous pressure, then jump right back on you after using your gateway, which can't be used again for 2 minutes while their gap closers are no longer than 30 seconds.

Since you mentioned that you don't see the problem when fighting warlocks my stance on that is you're also a caster and against other casters, warlocks are in a much better place because you're fighting on our terms. You have to use cast, channel, or dot, just as we, especially as a spriest, your damage output requires ramp up, unlike melee where all they have to do is close the gap.
gate is a joke, sometimes I have to click it many times for it to work, and in the mean time i'm being butchered by these melees sitting on me all game.
09/22/2018 02:54 PMPosted by Drakecat
gate is a joke, sometimes I have to click it many times for it to work, and in the mean time i'm being butchered by these melees sitting on me all game.

That could be caused by a root, stun, or LOS issue for the other side. Bumping this back up!
09/22/2018 04:46 PMPosted by Wrathh
09/22/2018 02:54 PMPosted by Drakecat
gate is a joke, sometimes I have to click it many times for it to work, and in the mean time i'm being butchered by these melees sitting on me all game.

That could be caused by a root, stun, or LOS issue for the other side. Bumping this back up!
or because (enemy player) models have priority over clicking something in the background.
09/21/2018 04:08 AMPosted by Replaced
warlocks are fine, get over it.

I wouldn't call locks 'fine' but they are insanely powerful if left alone. You look at a lock funny, they tend to die though.
Sorry, couldn't read all the other responses on the thread. So, I may repeat. My suggestions are: Up healing on drain life,especially if it is a 20-30% increase through fel or demon armor (Maybe 20% with fel and 30% with demon. Also, have each tick restore 1-2% mana. Have it on a different school of magic than fears and UA. This way, we can recover some health/mana without being locked out of ALL of our spells on a successful kick (at least with the other specs, a kick only locks you out of a portion of your skills, not all). I LOVE the idea of making Soul Link baseline, along with bringing back the armors. I still have a trinket macroed to the spell image of Dark Intent. I don't know why I love self buffs so much.
I Seen maldiva play his warlock over 2.4 cr, so if he can get that rating on a lock, everyone else can too,and locks are perfectly fine the way they are and should get no changes.
09/22/2018 11:40 PMPosted by Finalfantasy
I Seen maldiva play his warlock over 2.4 cr, so if he can get that rating on a lock, everyone else can too,and locks are perfectly fine the way they are and should get no changes.

You've got no idea what you're talking about
09/22/2018 11:40 PMPosted by Finalfantasy
I Seen maldiva play his warlock over 2.4 cr, so if he can get that rating on a lock, everyone else can too,and locks are perfectly fine the way they are and should get no changes.

He's struggling to get to 2400 right now on stream. He just said himself that he hasn't made glad once this season so far.

If we had class specific elite sets still you’d see like no warlocks in elite gear
Odd, I watch my friend stream his 2700 rmp that gets beat by some lock teams then come to the forums and read they’re trash.