Warlock professions for endgame/raiding?

Is there a certain hit percentage warlocks should aim for?

Not particularly. Really you should just aim to get the best pieces of gear you can for each slot. In some cases that gear will have hit% on it. In some cases, it won’t.

Hit like crit has a weight, sim it out, like always.

I agree, the Bloodvine set is disgustingly op for PreBiS warlocks now, and that set is BoE and not bound to Tailoring (you lose out on some crit from the tailoring 300 set bonus, but locks already have issues with AggroBolt :upside_down_face:).

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You ain’t kidding. I have to pay more attention to the threat meter than my mana bar on most boss fights, and slow down to keep from drawing agro.

Engineering is only profession increasing your raid dps.

Tailoring is nice for mooncloth. But if you want to farm engineering mats, do mining.

It should be said that the viability of bloodvine isn’t as set in stone as implied here. World buffs help make up for the lack of stats bloodvine provides outside of hit and it’s also weighed up by how much spellpower you are sacrificing to use the set.

Sim your gear so you understand the value of each piece under different conditions.

Bloodvine is awesome catchup gear for casters especially since it’s boe but it’s not bis nor is it not replaceable even as catch up gear considering how much is being pugged these days.

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