I’m sorry, does this not happen to you half the time regardless?
Me charging into freedoms evem though I know exactly what will happen and immediately getting gapped:
More damage
There is only one way to handle the over powered specs in the game. Buff bm hunter and play better.
Just fought an spriest/mm/hpal team in 3’s and we went mm but the spriest destroyed us freecasting. Game lasted like 30 sec and I’m wondering if he was just pumping giant mind spikes. I didn’t look at the individual damage of them but they were his #2 source of overall damage.
Also I just crit a 203k hunt initial hit in arena vs a fully geared lock. Pretty good for a button that does “no damage”.
usually just dcs me tbh
i root the target
the target gains cr
i lose 150
equivalent exchange
Well if warlocks were allowed to be tanky they wouldn’t need a port, but people screech when they’re tanky so this is what we get
Tbf I hate when any caster is tanky… kinda like a decision was made when you chose to wear cloth gear
Aaaye you play with Thrator. Cool dude.
We must protect this evoker.
Another thread of melee complaining about caster mobility.
We should have target dummie mobility that way melee will be happy.
Just be a target dummie.
This thread is wild. No one is saying that casters and melee dont both have a ton of mobility and/or tools to counter mobility.
The commentary should be around the idea that if you correctly use your mobility to counter the opposing player’s, you should be allowed to kill them.
Warlock’s port is up with such a high frequency that they dont need to use their mobility as efficiently and are outlasting with worse play.
I think every single person agrees that if you trade incorrectly and inefficiently you should be punished. If port is up as often as it is when focused, then that negates that ability to punish.
No class should ever not be a viable kill target.
2500 elitest cries on forums because he gets outplayed by lock port.
20 sec port is fine into double melee, if you don’t want the talent to exist then maybe a 5% reduction in physical dmg would be fair.
Warlock gets an 8% wall for 10 when they port.
waiting for a good reply from a singular warlock player that doesn’t look like this
counter sits at 0 for almost 200 posts
For those who aren’t aware, the wall he is referring to is:
Abyss Walker
Requires Warlock
Using Demonic Circle: Teleport or your Demonic Gateway reduces all damage you take by 4% for 10 sec.
It’s boosted by 200% in pvp. Kind of crazy that we need a multiplier that high due to the insane damage in today’s meta though.
Precog, 20 second port. All a trickle effect of melee mobility getting out of control.
And true, but 30 second port against melee your tanking more damage so, idk. 20 second port to me is fine, I think destro is in a good space rn in terms of balance.
I want a 200% multiplier on damage mitigated by defensive stance
(I don’t actually. That would be stupid).