I saw some posts for this in aug-sept timeframe, but this still appears to be an issue.
Anyone else encounter this?
I saw some posts for this in aug-sept timeframe, but this still appears to be an issue.
Anyone else encounter this?
Void walker has threat problems for Affliction and Destro, for sure. Demonology’s Felguard threat is good, but not unshakeable. You can still pull aggro if you get multiple demonbolt crits
I don’t really have anything to say about the Voidwalker, I am a demo main. Regarding the Felguard/Wrathguard though:
I could have 1% aggro while my Wrathguard is tanking something. The moment I use a Soulburn empowered Health Funnel, my aggro shoots up to 300+ percent on ANY mob. After 2 ticks of healing my Wrathguard, it cannot pull threat off of me even if I stand there and do nothing.
Other than that, I am rarely pulling threat, even on packs of 3 or more. It’s just something about that heal that significantly magnifies warlock aggro.
I remember the thread you’re talking about. It went on for about 3ish months before it fizzled out. Both warlocks and hunters are/were experiencing aggro issues.
My Felguard/Wrathguard generally holds aggro well, though sometimes he can lose it, especially with a crowd. I’ve also noticed that spell-casters and ranged mobs are prone to ignore him too.
On a different topic, there’s been a few occasions in Delves where my G:FG has been killed by Delve bosses, is that a bug?
This has been something I’ve noticed for the whole expansion. Anytime a caster is in a pack when you’re doing something with a pet class, it literally casts on YOU only. The Cinderbees are the most egregious example as when you pull some, the ones that constantly charge and cast do so at YOU, not your pet. I suppose it’s to even the playing field for non-pet classes but sheesh.
They actually changed the spellcaster threat. Basically, casters now pick a seemingly random target to cast on, but will melee whatever has actual threat on them. That’s one of the reasons interrupts are so critical in M+ right now.
In my scrub-casual experience, the felguard holds threat pretty good unless he dies. Once re-summoned its difficult for him to re-acquire aggro.
The voidwalker has a taunt and that is how it maintains aggro so for affliction you may pull off him but if you ramp back down he can taunt again once its off CD. For delves and such its not a race to kill the boss so you can slow an steady it and he can typically keep aggro. Don’t play destruction but I’m guessing its similar.
For mobs that can be motal coiled, that often provides some space for the big blue punching bag to get agro back.
Here is an extremely simplified explanation of how Threat works:
Every time you deal damage, you generate Threat.
Deal 100 damage you generate, X threat.
Deal 1000 damage you generate 10x that amount of Threat.
Pets like Voidwalker and Felguard have auras who increase how much threat they generate (in fact, it got buffed on 11.0.5 to 400%)
So when Voidwalker deal 100 damage, it generates 4x the threat you would generate when you deal 100 damage.
The issue happens because Destruction and Affliction deal a LOT more damage themselves than their pets can ever do, Demonology on the other hand is the contrary…most of his damage are attributed to pets.
While a Voidwalker will hit a target by something like 100k, a Chaos Bolt will Blast something for 2 million! so even the Voidwalker generates 4x as much threat per damage done… the Chaos Bolt is still 20x more damage than the Voidwalker can ever deal in a single hit.
Demonology don’t have this issue as much because most damage done by Demonology isn’ his own, if i would guess i think 20% of the Overall of the Demo Lock is his own damage (Demonbolt, Shadowbolt, Hand of Guldan,Doom, a few procs) , Felguard is some 10% of your overall in single target (and in aoe is even higher) and the other 70% are things like Wild Imps (another pet with his own threat), Tyrant (the same), Vilefiend (the same), GFG (also with his own threat).
That and our passive soul leech healing, while might not seem like much… is still healing.
We had similar issue pre-Legion.
Continuing the discussion from Warlock Pet not holding aggro:
Perhaps an easy fix would be to take a percentage of damage we do and attribute that to our Voidwalkers aggro table? That way they are able to keep pace with us as we drop larger amounts of damage and maintain primary status on target(s)?