Warlock Pet Has No Faceplate

Not sure if that’s what it’s called…the face icon in the top left corner of the default ui. All other locks I’ve played had the player faceplate icon there and underneath the player faceplate the faceplate of whatever pet you have out.

On my lock on Lightbringer (Yolock) his pets faceplate never shows beneath his own. It never shows anywhere unless I set focus on the pet, but that’s not what Im after.

Sounds like either an addon issue or you need to repair your data files. But if it shows when you set focus, I don’t think its the data files.

EDIT: If you can determine that it isn’t an addon issue, I would try repairing your data files: use the Scan and Repair option in the Options dropdown in the battle.net app’s game window of the game you need to repair (WoW in this case). Make sure to choose between retail and Classic first depending on which one is bugging for you.

Im gonna turn off all add-ons and see what happens. However, I have another lock on a different server and that lock (this lock I’m currently posting from) is not having this problem.

I very much doubt it’s data file corruption then. Do the 2 locks have different addons enabled? That’s my only guess.

It was an add-on called Vuh-do and specifically a setting I had inadvertently made that actually turned off my pet’s faceplate (or whatever it’s called). It was not turned off on the other lock. It is not a setting I would ordinarily mess with at all. Oh well.

Nevermind! and thanks!