Warlock or Druid for SOD?

Curious to hear other peoples thoughts on whether a warlock or druid would be more fun to play for a mix of pve and pvp. I’ve mained a warlock for a long time and had a druid that was a healer through TBC classic. My thoughts are as follows:


  1. Ability to dps or tank ( I did the twin emps tank which was interesting)
  2. Instant searing pain could be fun for pvp
  3. When we get to 35 bracket, having siphon life dot and ability to have drain life as a dot should make locks near impossible to kill in pve
  4. Summoning is always in demand in classic wow


  1. Ability to tank, heal or dps
  2. Feral dps in pve really enhanced due to new rune for “windfury” like support (means easier time in dungeons since I suspect meta will be melee centric)
  3. If the mana free wrath is available earlier on, leveling will be a breeze with zero downtime
  4. Decent pvp abilities to focus on mix of caster dps and heals combined with new runes.

I know some people are going to say play both, but I really want to focus on one toon so I can get him maxed out in each bracket (I don’t have 40 hours a week to play like some people and am an evening and limited weekend player).

They’re both going to be hella popular. Recent polls have these two classes and #1 and #2 most popular. They’ll likely be oversaturated so keep that in mind

If you are stuck between these two, Id go druid. More options, since you have a healing spec that looks to be quite good in SoD

Druid is going to be the meta raid tank based on the info they’ve provided. The other specs got big boosts also, but raids don’t need a lot of druid healers since they don’t stack. All the specs will be amazing for pvp, just like druids are in TBC onward.

Warlock will probably be mainly dps with a meme tank option for 5-mans. Unless they radically change resistances it won’t work well in end-game raiding due to fire resist/immunity among a large proportion of the raids. Both affliction and destruction got big buffs to damage, but it looks like it’ll be affliction for MC/BWL, then destruction for later raids, similar to mages who have to use frost early then switch to fire for AQ/naxx.

Play warlock brother, I will be there with you (in spirit).

I think warlock tanking being unique and new will make it more fun to try out. Feral WF will be very popular though.

They may not end up wanting them for other reasons, but their HoTs will stack I think. Lifebloom from multiple druids likely works unless the rune lifebloom works differently than it did in TBC/WotLK.

Also they’re possibly adding this in a later phase:

Warlock and druid were the least popular in classic by a good amount, while these changes will increase their numbers I definitely don’t see them being the most played classes in SOD. Honesty play either one they’re both really fun

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Yeah neither one has ever been the most popular. Archer and warrior archetypes are usually the most popular in RPG games.

I can only tell you how I decide as everyone has their own opinion on this. And what is fun for one may not be for another. So anyway, I think one of the factors is just playing with the talents, and the new runes. Figure out what specs you are most interested in and see what you can do with them on the calculators. Personally, I’ve mostly focus on just the 16 talent points available, and how they will play with the runes.

It’s easy to be thinking ahead to level 60 but since we have no idea what level 60 runes will even look like than keeping a firm grasp on what exactly you’ll be playing with at level 25 is probably a good thing. And I know you said you’d prefer not to hear “just play both” but that doesn’t mean you have to play both equally. Once you really start raid logging on one, I would use that time to level anything else you’re interested in in case some crazy rune gets added.

Going Druid for season of discovery the fact we get wild strikes is to good to pass up at least for me and remember we can prowl in cat form to to avoid unnecessary fights so yes can’t wait for Discovery to release to make my feral druid.

feral will still be trash in pvp

the normal builds look way better tho

According to the polls, druids/locks/paladins are most popular, while mages/rogues are the least. Maybe its because everyones been playing mages and rogues for 15 years and people are ready to try something new. Plus, druids, paladins, and locks are getting some of the best stuff in SoD.

Druid can be a healer and can escape in PvP. Warlock will be a better killer and probably higher on the damage meters. Warlock cannot escape in pvp.
Druid can also heal if you enjoy that role. If you mostly like tanking and dps, I’d go warlock.

Warlocks will pull threat even more.

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I wonder how viable casting wrath will be in pvp at level 25 cap. From what I’ve seen it looks like it might do as much damage as a frostbolt so that would be pretty decent. Add to that insta moon/sun-fire along with heals and could be fun. The issue with escape or speed seems irrelevant at level 25 unless you are going feral for cat speed. And in that case I wouldn’t do Druid since I think being melee as Druid in pvp will get you blown up fast.

So hard to decide. If I take raiding out of the equation (or at least only raid in a pug and mainly tilt towards pvp battlegrounds and open world) what would you guys think would be the better choice then?

With Moonfire and sunfire I think its going to hit hard. Druids are going to hurt.

I think one of my least and most favorite thing about classic is the loot system. It’s rewarding and also traumatizing at the same time.
That’s being said, Druids will be fighting with almost every class for gear, and for that, I would say play warlock.

Sticking with mage tank.

I’m doing both. My main has rotated between lock and druid for a long time. If I had to choose, then if i was going to do a lot of pvp id go lock, but if I am mainly interested in raids and dungeons then Id go druid.

idk warlock seems to be very popular with the changes, and if you have a lot of them, you’re still facing competition for armor. I guess it really matters what everyone is planning to play overall.

The least represented class in Classic… idk man, I would be surprised. Even then I don’t see them being something you stack in raid groups like you do with warriors and rogues currently. Druids will be competing with rogues, warriors, paladins, hunters, and shamans… that’s not gonna be fun