What are some mounts the fit the warlock class? I plan on leveling a lock in shadowlands and I’m trying to think of a good mounts to use on his journey.
I dont want to use the typical class mounts and instead something different while fitting within the warlock class.
I’d also like to hear some other class/mount ideas as well
Midnight from Karazhan looks great on a lock imclgo 
Antoran Charhound is pretty good too. Gives off demo vibes imo. Farmable on all difficulties, haven’t done it in a while but with Zereth Mortis and double legendries you should have no problem with all 4 separate lockouts.
This is the Legion LFR queue NPC if you didn’t know btw.
Oh and I also forgot about the Infernals from Gul’dan! Which is quite embarrassing tbh.
Living Infernal Core can drop on all difficulties except LFR.
And Fiendish Hellfire Core is a drop on Mythic difficulty.
My warlock rides around on the fossilized raptor because he’s Undead.
There are a few demon mounts from Legion you might like. Plus, they have class mounts (from class halls and for their class).
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Definitely fits the class but I think that boy is a bit too big
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The one I’m using.
This one has multiple recolors
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Would be cool to ride mr blueberry akin to the shaman class mounts
I always wanted locks to have the ability to fly using our demonic wings (think T6 wing model+animation), same rules and cast times that apply to other mounts would be in place of course so it wouldn’t be like druid instant cast flight form or anything.
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Headless Horseman’s Mount. The fire on the hooves is green and looks very Fel.
My Affliction Lock uses the Lucid Nightmare, my Destro & Demo use the Legion Netherlord Wrathsteeds, the Bloodfang Widow, or the uncorrupted Voidwing.
The war spider if you can get it.
If SL did nothing else, it had the greatest pvp mount with that.
How could anyone not like the class hall mount. It’s so amazing.
Having said that, use Headless Horsemen’s Mount if you have it.