Warlock Minion Stable

While Hunters get a new stable upgrade, Warlocks are once again ignored and left with the same bland minions since the game has started. Legion was a hugely missed opportunity to upgrade and add new demons for all three specs to use permanently.

These minions could be used by which specialization you are using and some could be used by all. I am sure the company refuses to do anything with locks
cause of he who shall not be named who created the green fire quest.

Those who use green fire should be allowed to use demons that are Fel based.


Still so dumb a lot of his warlock changes were mysteriously changed after he got fired

Mystery that.


What is this about?

Can we please just, please get normal sized minions?

My succubus looks like an imp!

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well balance druids are pretty much ignored with new forms versus cat/bear druids

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Would love new minions for all three specs, with demo still getting exclusives (pit lord please!!!)

Yes please, give us an enslave demon tame


It’s so long overdue tbh.

Warlocks used to have a Dev who championed them and gave them cool stuff.

Then he got fired and most of the cool stuff he gave warlocks got taken away.


They could literally just give every demon in game a tag for imp, VW, succubus, or fel Hunter pet type.

Then just have enslave demon “tame” them, and put that demon in whichever demon slot they tagged as, and give them the relevant abilities of that demon type

BAM, instant warlock pet improvement


I’m all for that, but I would still like a couple more unique types, with demo getting their own exclusive ones, even as a talent. I’d like to retire the Felguard and command a Pit Lord or Fel Lord…

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Alright, what would the spider moms be?

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I’d go with wrath guard for those.


Can you imagine a pit lord doing the bladestorm? hahahahaha


I dont want them to be a copy of the hunter system though. :frowning:

Wrathgaurd is already a Felgaurd reskin though. It’s not it’s own thing.

Sorry meant felguard.

See I want something like it and we should have received something like a minion collection in Legion.

The same system could work for Druids and for Mages since you can now glyph for different water elemental.


Hahaha well that’s why he has his own abilities lol

I mean if anything for demo, it could be a Grim Sup talent that gives options between dread/pit/fel lord, etc. Demonic Strength and Soul Strike should be reworked for all demon types as well… I’d also like for Grim FG to allow us to have two pets out permanently as well. Probably the same row as the grim sup talent because… well two pit lords would be a bit op and kinda ridiculous haha

I want… something, I agree we should get something. But not a reskin of the hunter tame system.

Perhaps questlines to dominate demons. Like how you get a raid skip; beat a certain demon 4x to prove you are superior so you can then summon them as minion.
The demons could get classes, like class 1 is imp, 2 is tank, ect ect.