Warlock Metamorphosis Needs A Replacement

I’m not speaking ill. But the spec is like that.

Try doing DPS as a Demo Lock without summoning anything and see how much power you actually have lol

When? Green fire has been the primary source of fel magic in warlocks. Warlocks have always been heavy on shadow magic with light amounts of fel magic. Affliction has been shadow for ever, Demo was shadow and demons, Destro was fire and later got a felfire spell in chaos bolt.

Like the Jade Serpent in Pandaria?

As I said, green spells are not really the indicative of Fel Magic use. The one true indication of Fel Magic is the presence of Fel Mutation.

Says in game corrupts fire spells and infuses them with fel magic so thats all you get

Which bring us back to my point. Show, don’t tell.

The game tells me I have Demon Skin, but my skin looks like anyone else’s.

The game tells me I’m a Master of Chaos (Fel Magic = Chaos Magic), yet exhibit no side effect of using Fel Magic whatsoever.

Warlocks as a Class tell too much and show too little. If I ignore the “tells” of the Class, my conclusion is that Warlocks are Mages who serve Yu’lon the Jade Serpent lol

I wouldn’t want that spec’s fantasy to be changed. You’re a miniature raid boss as Demo and I love it!

Oh crap its sunday this all makes sense now

Emphasis on miniature lol

But again, I’m not trying to get the spec changed. I’m just trying to make Warlocks in-game fit the Warlock lore through an optional, cosmetic shapeshifting spell.

Somebody doesn’t know me lol

I don’t do “sunday”. I make both serious and humorous threads all week long. This one is serious.

Is there anything about my post you can challenge?

Do Warlocks exhibit any actual perceivable side effects for using Fel Magic?

Horns? Spikes growing on their backs and arms? Toenails turning into hooves? Wings sprouting on their backs? Cracks of Fel Magic forming on their hands and feet? Heads transforming into flaming skulls? Anything at all?

I am a Warlock and I’m not finding anything.

The only evidence that my green spells are actual Fel Magic is that the game tells me that. No showing whatsoever.

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In-game mechanics similar to how tauren paladins work they are sunwalkers not paladins but because of in-game mechanics they are rendered paladins.

Seems like crying just to cry to me /shrug

Sunwalkers are Paladins, that’s why they entered the Silver Hand.

The whole thing about “Sunwalkers being Sun Druids” is headcanon and lolore of the playerbase out of control.

In fact, the person who started the Sunwalkers was not a Druid. She was a Warrior. Not unlike the Warriors of Lordaeron who were trained in the Light and became the first Human Paladins.

The Druid started the Tauren Priests lol

Never said that but ok you are really making this seem like a troll post more and more

Then what did you mean by “Sunwalkers are not Paladins”?

I’m starting to think you are trying to troll me.

As a COSMETIC OPTION , yes , sure.

Funny thing , my whole view on this just changed.

I used to really resent , or at least mourn , the loss of Metamorphosis .

( by the way ; And why would that concern anyone EXCEPT a DEMONOLOGY Warlock ? )

But now it’s like hearing demonology warlock being run down for the 500th time as it regards mythic instances.

After I have heard it for the 500th time , my heart has hardened to the mandatory - in - everything - but name voice chat , my heart has hardened to the mandatory - in - everything - but name gear score ,

take your competitive end - game classist mythic world view and go jump in a lake.

And by and by , after hearing for the 500th time that Demon Hunters have stolen our fire , and stolen away our reason for being ,

my heart has likewise hardened.

At this point Blizzard would have to literally write demo lock out of the game , because at least one fifth of the reason I play demo lock is because everybody runs it down.

And no , I don’t give a ^&*$ about their opinion.

— They don’t pay my subscription bill , do they ?

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Of course.

This is a golden rule of mine: I never ask for things that might ruin someone else’s enjoyment of the game.

(At least not seriously. Sometimes I do ask for stuff like “nerf Demon Hunters to the ground!” but that’s always as a joke lol)

Ion looks like he hates life and Lore looks like Weird Al minus the glasses.

Warlocks can have meta back, you can look like demons if you want, but here is the kicker.
The demon you gain the appearance of is an imp, you shrink, gain tiny little wings, tiny little horns, and all your limbs look like you have a severe degree of muscular dystrophy.

I hope you are happy.

Ok, but from now on Tauren Paladins are officially renamed to “Holy Cows” lol

I’ve been posting on another toon recently as I’m all obsessed with my mechagnome DK. But I had to switch to reply to this post.

Mortis, normally I completely disagree with you on metamorphosis issues, because I really disliked it on my warlock (who was my pre-demon hunter main) and think it just… fits better on demon hunters. That said… I totally agree with you on this. Warlocks - especially demonology warlocks - should have some really cool, demonic appearance options. They should have demonic features available to them.

Ultimately, really, warlocks and demon hunters are two sides of the same coin. They have vastly different approaches, but both of them - again, especially demonology warlocks - straddle the line between “normal person” and “demonic person”. It makes no sense that demon hunters have all these demonic appearances, but demonology warlocks don’t.

I fully support you on this one, Mortis.

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Look at this beautiful thing, when warlocks were perfect.

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