Warlock Meta Rune Being Changed

To everyone pushing for blizzard to change the lock meta rune, we won! Josh Greenfield just announced that the step requiring you to complete the raid for the warlock meta rune is going to be completable outside the raid in a change that is either coming today or tomorrow. Good job everyone!

Edit: Thank you for changing this Blizzard, its greatly appreciated.


Yay… err… what? Source?

Updated my post with the link

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Huge Blizz W


yep, tweeted the change will come today or tomorrow.

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They also need to nerf it a lot

Nice! I kind of wish they made it available around VC level, but at least it doesn’t require a raid.

Inc rep grind!

Suuuure… That totally makes sense after we just found it after days and most people haven’t even tried it out yet.
(Sarcasm, if you can’t tell)

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I was about to reroll lock if they didn’t fix this. I’m not doing a raid just to get a class changing rune when every other class doesn’t have to do that.

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They need to cut the damage you can do while in form and buff the threat. It is just insanely broken in pvp.

Any homies on na chaosbolt tryna get it tommorow?

Just to temper expectations for those who don’t actually read it, they are not planning to change it soon but for later phases so it does not require the raid.

It’s literally active right now lol

Huh, I missed the post saying it was hotfixed. Looks like I am the one who failed to read. This was the last post I read which flat out said “We’ll do something for this for later phases to not require the raid.”

Good on them for hotfixing it sooner than that I suppose.

Blizz can do the right thing…eventually.

remember boys complaining works
complain early and often

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great now we just have to group in redridge, group in darkshore, group in SFK, and then group in ashenvale…yay

No, just SFK. I got my two fragments from the towers solo. Just gotta wait as a ghost for some other shmuck to pull the guys up top, res, grab the item, then get out. Maybe the the last part, I have heard of others soloing it but who knows if that’s true.

Anything for rogue?..

sure. let’s f the game up for the sake of pvp. why not.