Hello Pagle cummunity!!
I am currently looking for a weekend raiding guild for my level 70 Warlock.
I am a 33 years old Canadian IRL, I speak both French and English.
I just finished my attunement to Kharazan and currently working on my reputation to unlock all the Heroics dungeons.
I am looking for this:
Weekend raiding guild. I can raid ideally Friday and Saturday nights. My alarm clock is set at 04:30 AM EST during the week so unless you have a really really early raid during the week, I cannot make it.
Looking for a guild commited to TBC. I currently have no plans for 9.1 Retail WoW. It’s just not fun anymore for me so I want to invest all my free time in Classic TBC. My goal is to say hello to Kil’Jaeden once again, 13 years later !
I am (or was) a semi hardcore raider. I stopped my progression in SL at 8/10M. I was unable to finish the tier due to my new job and my new schedule. Both my Alliance and Horde guilds are currently 10/10M. I am always ready for raid and I expect everyone in the raid group to be ready too
I am 33 years old as I said earlier, I would prefer some kind of 18+ guild.
I am looking for people to play with. There’s no point being in a guild if people are all doing different things all the time and barely playing together.
If you are interested in my little Warlock, you can reach me on bnet Naraka#11974
Hope we can meet soon on Pagle