As the title states, I am seeking a weekend raiding guild for aotc. I can chat on bnet or discord. I also have a Blood dk I am interested in raiding on. Anytime on Saturday or Sundays early morning to late at night is good for me.
Hey there. I didn’t know if late Friday would work raiding for you. We raid Fri/Sat 8-10:30 EST. If interested Tojarra#11571
Hello! is newly formed, only 3 weeks old and already up to 50 members. Our sole run on Heroic Palace went 6/8, and we’ve started poking at Undermine. We do weekly Mythic+ runs on Mondays, and our raid times are:
Tuesday - 8-11 EST
Friday - 8-11 EST
Saturday 9-12 EST
Tuesday and Friday are open signups if you meet the ilvl, with the goal of pushing to heroics. Saturday will be turned to our progression team aiming for AOTC! Our Tues/Fri raids are open to all (our progression tanks are tanking it for now to learn fights for progression team, but will step down from tank roles in the near future to allow others to get some tanking in).
Saturday progression team is looking for healers! But open for high dps as well. There is no commitment to the Tues/Fri raids and members are free to sign up for whatever they wish to attend.
We believe in a positive community without toxicity or cliquish behavior. We regularly run lower key nights to help gear members, and will often put together matching armor weights for groups to gear up individuals. We’re open and accepting to players who are experienced in TWW content, returning, new, or considering raiding for the first time!
If interested feel free to reach out here, on battlenet at wideninggyre#11619, or on discord: wideninggyre. (the . at the end is part of the name, won’t work without it)
Lawn Pirate is 8/8 H NP
We raid Raid Times Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-10:00Am PST, 10am - 12pm CST, 11am-1pm See you there!
We kinda full on tanks right now but if you could flex tank and dps we would love to have you aotc and mythic + add me on bnet if interested herwordskill#1655
United We Loot are looking for more raiders for Sundays 9:00p EST to 11:00p EST.
Hit me up on Discord at Deathfire - lets chat and see if we’re what you are looking for.
Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team.I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST.If those times work for you, I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to speaking with you soon
Lawn pirates Raid Times Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-10:00Am PST, 10am - 12pm CST, 11am-1pm See you there!
aotc we want to push into mythic raiding mythic plus daily add herwordskill#1655 add for more Info
Volatile is a friendly, mythic progression guild, but we also have a separate run for those who only want AOTC. Our Mythic raids are Fri & Sat 7pst to 10pst. Our Heroic runs will be on Sundays 7pst to 10pst. We’re looking to recruit new members! We run weekly key nights and guild event nights (includes tmog runs, PvP nights, and more) as well as our scheduled raiding nights, so there is always something to do!
Our current progression is:
- 4/8 M NP
- 8/8 H NP
Our progression in Dragonflight was:
- 5/8 M VOTI
- 5/9 M ATSC
- 6/9 M ATDH
If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information! You can reach me at Raevenhart#1561 anytime!
Hello Aritz please check out my post! We are ramping up recruitment and have a great team with clear goals. One day a week raiding Sunday 7PM MTN to 10PM
We get AoTC in short time and usually get a few clears in.