Warlock LF Raiding Guild


My current focused character is a 415 Prot/Fury Warrior. I have experience tanking all bosses in Vault on Heroic and am 7/8H.
I will be 2500 Mythic + Rating by the end of the week, mostly through pugging, as a tank.

I’ve made it into 7/8H Vault by pugging only. I have a large interest and a lot of free time for raiding and would like to seek a team that takes raiding to a serious level.

However, for the next raid patch I would like to seriously focus on my Warlock thats currently 366. Due to the new catch up mechanics I feel comfortable that I can gear it up quickly or at least have it raid ready by next patch. I want to double focus my attention on my Tank and playing a Warlock for raiding. I’ve attached my Warriors IO to show my experience as a competant player as well as my Warlocks who I want to play with (but need to gear up, which I am confident I can do quickly and effectively).

I used to work as a professional manager in real life but have taken the last two years off and work part time overnights to be closer with family. As such, I have open availability and a lot of time to dedicate to serious raiding.

Looking for an AOTC guild wanting to progress deep into Mythic Raiding.



Thank You team.

Doomforge Brewing could be a good fit for you depending on how deep into Mythic you want to go. We are always AOTC, and we often do prog into Mythic depending on the roster we have. Here’s our info:

We’re an Alliance guild on Proudmoore. We’re 8/8 H 2/8 M VOTI. Raids are Mon/Wed 4:45-7:45pm server time. If you’d like to chat, hit me up on Discord: Calcas#3801.

The Last Pull is a semi-serious raiding guild on the Alliance side of Proudmoore. We traditionally work our way through Heroic and into Mythic each tier with the goal of getting through bosses without drama or toxicity. We currently are 4/8M in VotI and have a rather robust roster, but are still looking for some classes and roles to fill out our ranks.

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday only, 8:45pm EST to 11:45pm EST.

Our raid teams are built as a meritocracy. When it comes to Mythic Raiding, the best players will be brought for progression bosses, while lower bosses will see a rotation of players.

If you are only interested in M+ and not raid, fell free to join us as well. Outside of raid days, we have a very active guild faction that consistently pushes keys each season. It’s a load of fun.

If interested, feel free to contact me/ friend me in game at Bigwhoop#1156