Warlock LF PVE guild clearing Naxx and into TBC

Hi there, I am looking for a Naxx guild that wants a warlock now with the hopes of clearing the Sunwell too!

Nicsnock#1787 lets talk

Your discord seemed to not add, hmu ! :smiley:

Who we are: |[H]| Herod Server| TBC Classic |Guild: Chaos|
< Chaos > is a newly formed guild comprised of a mix of returning TBC veterans, Classic Raiders, Mythic raiders and Arena players. We are all excited to be enjoying TBC again! We are a Semi-Hardcore / Casual guild that will do PvE progression and will be clearing all of the content while having a good time. We are looking for more like minded players to round out our core heading into TBC Classic. We will also have a strong PvP culture for those of you more interested in Arenas & BG’s, and will be recruiting Socials for those of you who don’t necessarily have the time/need to be a Raider but would like to fill in raids or PvP teams as needed. This is a great time for those who are worried about not having a guaranteed raid spot in your current guild and are looking for a home where you will. Also, for any returning TBC players without a guild this could be a great place for you! Pst for more info!

Raid Schedule: Tuesday 8:00p-11:00p EST Wednesday 8:00p-11:00p EST
Raid Expectations:
All raiders should come prepared for each raid, including encounter knowledge and required consumables, and items. Professions are not required to min/max but players should be trying to get BIS gear to assist raid progress. Example: Cloth DPS should be tailoring as that crafting gear is extremely strong.
Talking and having fun is welcome during trash pulls and having fun with farm content. Communication should be clear for new content and boss pulls. We encourage all guild members to play with each other in and out of raid to promote a positive environment for all to enjoy.
PVP Expectations:
Players who want to PVP should use the guild as a resource to help find new and old players to make arena teams, enjoy the game, and push ratings to the best of their abilities. PVE player’s should be capping each week to get BIS items such as weapons.
Chaos will be using loot council. This will take into account BIS needs, players who pass gear to others, attendance, and attitude. We will be using an addon called: RCLootCouncil. This speeds up the LC process and is transparent for members.
High priority or high demand items will be decided by loot council discussion. These are most likely to go to players who plan to stay with the guild for the long-term.

Hunter: Low
Warlock: Low
Shaman: Medium (1 Resto, 1 Ele, 1 Enhance needed)
Priest: Open (Shadow, Healing, Divine Spirit Priest)
Paladin: Open (Prot, Holy, Ret with OS prot for Kara)
Druid: Open (1 Boomy, 1 Resto druid, 1 Feral Tank)
Warrior: Low (1 arms warrior with OS Prot for Kara.)
Mage - Closed
Rogue - Closed

  • For Hybrid classes. Not required but encouraged to Dual spec for 10 man runs to help rotate and get all players the gear they need and have the correct roster and number of players.
  • Alts can also be considered for this as we go forward as long as they are at MIN pre BIS and/or have other minimum raid requirements.
    Note: T4 will be a bit more flexible for the start of the expansion due to number of 10 mans vs 25 mans. We will have raid sign ups to help make this easier on raiders. Going toward the end of T4 and into T5+ we will solidify a consistent 25 man core.

Leadership Opportunities:
Guild leadership has experience in Retail and Classic with guild management and raid leading. With depth of knowledge of the game.
(2 Officer positions are open at this time. Feel free to ask about opportunities within the guild. Some class officer opportunities may be available for classes/specs that are more stacked such as hunter and warlock. Example: Hunter class lead would be assisting with setting up misdirection pulls.

If interested in more information please inquire in discord