Warlock LF guild

I am looking to get back to killing stuff whether it be in raid or mythic+. Recently changed shifts back to days, so i will be available for most evenings. I boosted a warlock and currently devoting my time to just improving. Looking for AoTC or better maybe doing some mythics. Currently wide open, more importantly just getting back to enjoying playing with other people.

Pretty much looking at 8pm - midnight est pretty much any day.

Bnet Susipria#1667
Discord: myztify

Hi Gear Gold Glory GM here, i added your bnet (Aradrox).

Looking forward to chatting with you to see if you would be interested in joining our guild.

We are a newer guild but jave everything setup, discord, bank, so on.

We raid Friday/Saturdays and are currently 6/9h and hoping to get our core team built up in order to continue progression.

We are on most every evening running mythics if not raiding.

Always happy to help guildies with questions and explain fights/dungeons as needed.

Hi Zabraxi!

Cocktail Hour ( in game search >Cktail Hour< ) is a newer guild (70+ and growing) on Stormrage with experienced, helpful, and responsive members & leadership.

We are welcoming all classes & experience levels looking for a new home that are interactive, have fun doing content, (or just hanging out in discord). We raid with friends of the guild weekly, but will have a team in place for War Within that will be casual and AOTC focused.

We offer an environment free of BS, with chill adults just enjoying the game and RL downtime, but knowing real life comes first. Social and engaged guild chat, great discord, organized Guild M+ events, free repairs, and M+ Keys from 2 to 19+ run daily!

We love to help returning and newer players learn ( & re-learn) the game, and have a home to feel comfortable doing content with guildies in a no-stress environment.

We are welcoming the person first, not the IO score or raid clears. Helping and supporting player development whether it’s gearing, dungeon experience, or general information support without elitism or cliques.

Feel free to BNET GM’s or apply through guild finder!

Draven @ OliveWight#13479
KrissyDanger @ Bnet: Acee#11850

Hey dude!!!

Violet Rose is looking for more people!!! We are a newish guild bout a month old and have new and returning players!

We dip our feet in all contentnto try and be a rounded guild for everyone!

Lots of us restarted or are leveling new characters to get ready for s4 and WW.

I am hosting our first guild event april 6th, A night through the ages!

If any of this sounds good add me on bnet or discord!

Bnet - Subs#1886
Discord- Jewbaccathehut

"Hey! We read your post and think you might be a good fit for Introspective! Please check our our main recruiting post at: Introspective (9/9H ATDH) LF Raiders - AOTC and Casual Mythic Raiding - #9 by Pootietangxd-stormrage

Add Niix on discord (tiva) or battlenet (tiva#1174) if you are intrested in talking more about our guild"