Warlock leveling

Demo or destro need done quick I know demo is OP but I’m lvl 20and it feels slow

Levelling for me is all about survial and insta-cast abilities so I can keep moving, moving, moving.

Which means the following talents:
[Demonic strength] instant, great for AoE especially if you have an int/crit trinket to use with it, slow cooldown though.
[Doom] for pulling together a nice group to AoE down
[Demon Skin] to survive being outnumbered
[Soul Strike] instant, soul-shard generator, reasonable cooldown, good for quick pulls
[Darkfury] to help keep your pet alive on big pulls
[Inner Demons] passive, but lets you cast [Implosion] (instant cast) more frequently without having to stop
[Sacrificed Souls] just because the other choices don’t really synergize with this build well.

Basically the only time you’ll be standing still is to cast Hand of Gul’dan and Call Dreadstalkers, and Shadow Bolt if you don’t have any stacks of Demonic Core for Demonbolt.

It’s a very mobile build and makes levelling up pretty fun. :smiley:

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