BoE? Or specific drop location? Bad memory for that type of stuff.
Drops in BWL first boss.
Been a min since original but from what I remember felguard wasn’t very durable with outland mobs.
Whereas drain tanking- and instant AOE fear in that tree- never had much trouble.
Personally I’d stay with UA. You’re most likely gunna be 41/0/20 at 70 anyway, at least until you get better gear.
Its a lot of management and you can get stuck on big pulls. But if they pull slowly and afk a bit and are not in pvp they will be fine. Just slow and have to pull a bit more carefully. They can do a couple tricks in the starting zone since there are a lot of demons there, but after that area they will struggle a bit…especially zang marsh area with the accidental pat pulls on bugs.
Felguard is better for tanking elites and some mindless farming but he’s still pretty squishy. Even specing into DS and saccing a voidwalker and dotting everything up while stacking stam gear is probably better.
If demon armor was much better hp regen or got a better buff than currently in demo tree felguard would be top but as it is, you have to heal your pet with a slow channeled spell and still have to get mana.
its not better for tanking elites. its better to fear elites and pump dps in them instead of dragging the fight out. I honestly thought the same thing that it would be better but ultimately its not…not for warlocks sadly, hunters sure. For us we are just better to pump as much dps and not worry about threat and just handle it…because at that point if you accidentally pull or pull too much you are able to handle it because you are already prepared to take incoming damage or at least mitigate it on yourself…where the other build is for your pet mostly.
If you are worrying about fears sending people too far…remember that you can put curses on them that negate the fears and thus pull them back. This lets you control where they go and how far out they go.
Do not listen to any of these people suggesting felguard. Deep Affliction is far superior with no downtime.
I agree. I’m running with imp because it’s more stam and better mana battery.
i still do suggest people at least try the hybrid of Aff/Demo to get the void sac to eliminate down time. It is really smooth and you are constantly regaining resource for dps without the need of an extra gcd
If your plan is drain tanking SM/DS is the build. Between VW sac and DL/SL you have virtually zero downtime.
I really don’t rate a felguard build at all to be honest.
Some variant of deep aff has always worked for me but I prefer a high risk high reward spec than grinding down 1-2 mobs at a time.
I really don’t think there is such thing as a cookie cutter leveling spec. I would try all of them to see what you enjoy the best. At the end of the day, the mobs will die and you’ll reach your level goal. Felguard seems a bit on the OP side during prepatch from my experience.
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